Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

9.1 Identification and assessment

AMSA recognises that, wherever feasible, all properties managed by the Authority are to be assessed for their heritage values on a regular basis. To achieve this, AMSA will undertake the following approach:

  1. Identify places of heritage significance drawn from expert heritage and Traditional Stakeholder advice.
  2. Investigate archival records and documentary sources to establish a history of the place.
  3. Consult with relevant stakeholders for the place.
  4. Collate information derived from consultation and documentary investigations within a Heritage Lighthouse Report, including a history of the site, current condition and identified significance.
  5. Analyse place against Commonwealth Heritage Criteria (as set out in Section 10.03A of the EPBC Regulations) and describe any Commonwealth heritage values identified.

All AMSA Commonwealth-heritage listed sites had their Commonwealth heritage values evaluated in 2020-21 through the preparation process of drafting Heritage Management Plans. In some cases, it may be necessary for these assessments to be updated so that the Commonwealth heritage criteria are adequately addressed, and new information is evaluated. AMSA aims to have completed assessment of all sites within the next five years.

Where objects, collections or elements contribute to the significance of a place, the identification and assessment will follow the process set out in “A Guide to Assessing the Significance of Cultural Heritage Objects and Collections” and Articles 10 and 11 of the “Burra Charter”.

AMSA recognises that as a result of this assessment process sensitive or culturally restricted information may be discovered and that this should be treated as confidential.

9.2 Resolution of conflict

AMSA is aware that conflicts can arise concerning management of its heritage places and assessment of Commonwealth heritage values, in circumstances such as:

  • Determining whether a heritage value exists or not.
  • Deciding how different and potentially conflicting heritage values should translate into management priorities (for example, where natural and historic heritage values appear to conflict).
  • Where conservation of heritage values conflicts with other interests (such as operational requirements for aids to navigation).

AMSA will try to resolve such conflicts by ensuring the following:

  • Well-informed advice is sought regarding cultural heritage matters.
  • Heritage Coordinator (Asset Management and Preparedness Team) is selected as mediator.
  • Engagement with appropriate stakeholders is undertaken.
  • Engagement with the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, and Australian Heritage Council is undertaken where appropriate.