Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

AMSA will monitor implementation of this Heritage Strategy by reviewing progress periodically, and reporting on progress every three years in line with section 341ZA(6) of the EPBC Act. This reporting process will include a review of the effectiveness of this Heritage Strategy, and proposals for any changes to it that are prompted by the review.

The activities to monitor, review and report on the implementation of this Strategy within AMSA are as follows:

  • Heritage Management Plans for Commonwealth Heritage-listed places are prepared, reviewed and updated every five years.
  • Heritage undertakings incorporated into annual reports.
  • Reports to the Senate Estimates Committee in relation to heritage matters and related expenditure.
  • Identification of any risks to heritage values, through heritage impact assessments and statements.
  • Updating and maintaining the Heritage Register entries for each heritage property.
  • Referrals under the EPBC Act.
  • Annual visits, inspections and the successful application of annual maintenance schedules.
  • Engagement of appropriate heritage expertise to provide heritage documentation to satisfy AMSA’s requirements under the EPBC Act.

The following review process timetable will be adhered to over the next three years:


Review step



(Strategy’s half-life)

Strategy’s half-life internal review – prepare progress report on:

  • AMSA’s achievements against its objectives for management of its heritage places.
  • Possible issues relating to heritage management that would result in the inability to achieve said objectives.
  • AMSA’s progress with its Commonwealth heritage assessment program, and preparation of Heritage Management Plans.
  • AMSA’s progress with heritage training programs.

Manager, Asset Management and Preparedness


Strategy’s full-life internal review – prepare progress report on:

  • AMSA’s achievements against its objectives for management of its heritage places.
  • AMSA’s achievements with its Commonwealth heritage assessment program, and preparation of Heritage Management Plans.
  • AMSA’s achievements with heritage training programs.
  • Issues experienced in achieving objectives.
  • Objectives not achieved.

Manager, Asset Management and Preparedness


Prepare report to the Minister drawn from half-life and full-life reviews and submit updated Heritage Strategy.

Manager, Asset Management and Preparedness