We provide a pollution response capability to protect the marine environment from pollution and other environmental damage caused by shipping, including:
- incident response
- management of equipment and dispersant stockpiles
- fixed wing aerial dispersant capability (FWADC)
- training for government and industry response personnel.
Watch the Marine Environment Protection video below.
Response resources
We maintain marine pollution response equipment and dispersant in strategically located stockpiles around the Australian coastline, as does the petroleum industry through the Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre Pty Ltd (AMOSC).
Each state and the Northern Territory also ensure there are sufficient stocks of equipment available to address risks within their areas of responsibility.
We manage the FWADC on behalf of National Plan stakeholders. The FWADC was developed with and is jointly funded by, AMOSC.
The FWADC maintains aircraft in locations around the Australian coastline and provides 24/7 airbase management and loading support arrangements.