Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Heritage Management Plans are prepared in a manner consistent with the Commonwealth heritage management principles in Schedule 7B of the EPBC Regulations and meet the requirements for management plans for Commonwealth heritage places in Schedule 7A of the Regulations. The plans generally follow a sequence from description, to analysis of operational requirements, to implementation. A plan typically has the following headings:

  • introduction
  • objectives
  • history
  • the site
  • cultural significance
  • fabric of the site
  • operational requirements
  • heritage management policies
  • implementation plan.

At the time of publication, AMSA has completed Heritage Management Plans for the following Commonwealth heritage places:

  • Cape Byron Lighthouse (CHL Place ID: 105599)
  • Montague Island Lighthouse (CHL Place ID: 105601)
  • Eddystone Point Lighthouse (CHL Place ID: 105565)

AMSA is currently preparing Heritage Management Plans for 19 other Commonwealth heritage places under its management (See Table 2 for list of AMSA’s Commonwealth Heritage places). Most of the remaining plans are at the consultation stage of their development. AMSA has prioritised the drafting of plans for Commonwealth heritage places and intends to deliver these remaining plans within the next 5 years.

Existing Heritage Management Plans will be reviewed and updated every 5 years or sooner if major changes to a lighthouse occur.

The preparation and review of Heritage Management Plans is undertaken by the AtoN Heritage Coordinator, and early consultation with relevant stakeholders is key to initial preparation efforts. The final products are reviewed by:

  • key community stakeholders
  • relevant State and local stakeholders
  • Commonwealth Heritage Branch (Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment)
  • Australian Heritage Council

The final products are approved by:

  • AMSA’s CEO
  • Minister administering the EPBC Act

Consistent with the requirements of paragraph 341S (3) of the EPBC Act, when a draft heritage management plan has been prepared, a notice is published to advertise the fact. Each of these notices:

  • includes a statement that AMSA has prepared a Heritage Management Plan
  • advises that copies of the plan can be obtained from the AMSA website

In accordance with paragraph 341S (6) (a) of the EPBC Act, the Minister is then asked for advice on the proposed plan.

A Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights is also required and prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011.