Sea service and task books

Sea service is a requirement for most certificates of competency. You must complete a specified amount of service time on a vessel in support of your application. The time and skills needed for your sea service can be recorded in a task book, sea service form, letter from the vessel operator or a declaration. Use our publications order form to purchase task books, log books, and other record books.

Proof of identity

As an international or domestic seafarer find out about proof of identity when applying for a certificate of competency or seafarers service book. 

  • Proof of identity is required when applying for a certificate of competency or seafarer’s service…
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Task books for domestic qualifications

You can use a task book to record your sea service, have it signed off and approved by an assessor and prove to us that you have completed enough sea service for the domestic qualification you are applying for.

Sea service for domestic qualifications

You will need to prove that you have completed sea service for your domestic certificates of competency. Find out how to calculate your sea service working on an Australian vessel in Australian waters.

Sea service for international qualifications

You will need to prove that you have completed sea service for your international certificates of competency. Find out how to calculate your sea service working on an Australian or international vessel in international waters.

Sea service books for international qualifications

You can use the Australian seafarer's service book to record your sea service. This book is a personal record of sea service and cannot be used as evidence of sea service for the purpose of the issue of an international qualification.