Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

7.1 Objectives

AMSA recognises its key objective is to maintain heritage assets. AMSA is responsible for identifying and managing heritage under its operation, and is committed to achieving this by:

  • Complying with all relevant state, territory and Commonwealth legislation.
  • Maintaining heritage assets in a manner which retains heritage significance, with the objective of preventing deterioration and avoiding the need for expensive ‘catch-up’ maintenance and major repairs.
  • Conserving heritage assets in order to retain their heritage significance to the greatest extent feasible— the management of heritage assets should use the most appropriate knowledge, skills and standards for those places.
  • Regularly monitoring and reporting on the physical condition of the heritage assets listed in the AMSA
  • Heritage Register and taking appropriate action to ensure heritage significance is not eroded.

7.2 Key priorities

AMSA’s objective is to maintain its heritage assets by prioritising the following:

Priority 1

Prepare Heritage Management Plans for Commonwealth Heritage places under AMSA management.

Priority 2

Undertake assessment of AMSA properties for possible heritage values.

Priority 3

Maintain and strengthen relationships with other agencies and stakeholders.

Working closely with other organisations such as the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, and the Australian Heritage Council is essential in managing AMSA responsibilities.

7.3 Positions responsible for heritage matters

The Asset Management and Preparedness Section within the Response Division is the AMSA business unit responsible for heritage places.

In 2014, AMSA created a full time Heritage Coordinator position to reflect the growing importance of heritage matters both in AMSA and the general community.

The management and conservation of sites identified by the Heritage Strategy are the responsibility of the Manager, Asset Management and Preparedness.

The contact officer in the first instance is:

The Manager, Asset Management and Preparedness

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

GPO Box 2181, Canberra ACT 2601

Email: heritage@amsa.gov.au

Figure 26. Left - Eddystone Point Lighthouse Photo source: AMSA, 2017
Figure 26. Left - Eddystone Point Lighthouse Photo source: AMSA, 2017