Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Exemption 7 - Marine Safety (Temporary operations)

This exemption is for owners and accredited marine surveyors of domestic commercial vessels (DCVs) who need to be able to operate temporarily without having the required certificates.

Download Exemption 7 (EX07) PDF232.81 KB

In force 1 March 2025 to 28 February 2030

What this exemption allows you to do

Exemption 7 allows you to operate your DCV temporarily in some cases without:  

  • a certificate of survey
  • a certificate of operation
  • a load line certificate.

Exemption 7 may also allow you to:  

  • operate outside the scope of your current certificates.
  • operate while you are rectifying minor non-conformances found during survey.

Most temporary operations approvals can only be issued for up to a maximum of 90 days. In certain cases, they can be issued for a maximum of 12 months, such as for fixing minor issues found during a vessel survey,

Note: We expect vessel owners and operators to hold the appropriate National Law certification. Don't seek repeated temporary exemptions approvals. We won’t grant subsequent temporary operations approvals (where the application is for the same reason as the initial application) except in extraordinary circumstances.

Approval requirements and how to apply

Application and approval requirements differ depending on your type of temporary operation.  

Requiring a survey report

An accredited marine surveyor will need to submit a survey report through MARS in these cases: 

  • Planning to operate a new vessel undergoing the sea trial phase of commissioning (Division 3). 
  • Vessels operating while minor non-conformances are being rectified after periodic survey—except renewal survey (Division 5).
  • When you are waiting on us to decide on an application for renewal of a certificate of survey (Division 6).
  • When you are waiting on us to decide on an application for renewal of a certificate of operation (Division 6A).

Note: Once the survey report has been submitted, the vessel can start operating under Exemption 7 immediately. Exemptions are valid for between 14 and 120 days. Download Exemption 7 for details.

Requiring a survey report and AMSA approval

An accredited marine surveyor will need to submit a survey report through MARS, together with AMSA Form 777 when applying for temporary exemption in these cases:

  • Operating a vessel while minor non-conformances are being rectified after an initial or renewal survey (Division 2 Section 6).
    Operating a vessel which has triggered transitional provisions in Marine Order 503 while work is underway to meet the transitional standards (Division 2 Section 7).
  • After initial survey or where a change occurs to the vessel or its operation (Division 4).

Note: You can’t operate under Exemption 7 until AMSA has notified you that you’ve been approved. Exemptions are valid for between 90 days and 12 months. Download Exemption 7 for details.

Requiring AMSA approval 

Use AMSA Form 777 to apply for temporary exemption in these cases:

  • Building, disposing, relocating, or repairing or moving a vessel without a certificate of survey, load line certificate, or certificate of operation (Division 2).
  • Operating a vessel without a certificate of survey, load line certificate or certificate of operation for another temporary use (Division 2).
  • Other limited circumstances approved by us (Division 2).
  • When operating a vessel after the expiry of your certificate of survey or load line certificate, where the in-water components of a renewal survey have been completed but the out of water components are outstanding (Division 7).
  • Operating temporarily outside the scope of your current certificate of survey or certificate of operation i.e. operating in a way that is not authorised by the certificate of survey, or in a way that is not allowed by the certificate of survey (Division 8).

Note: You can’t operate under Exemption 7 until AMSA has notified you that you’ve been approved. Exemptions are valid for up to 90 days. Download Exemption 7 for details.

Legislation and incorporated material

Related information


Last updated: 1 March 2025