Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Certificates of survey (CoS)

Generally, vessels are required to have a certificate of survey to operate as a commercial vessel in Australia.

Surveys check that your domestic commercial vessel is compliant with Australian laws and standards.

Apply for a new, or renew, vary, revoke or suspend a certificate of survey. Not sure? Read more below.

Do I need a certificate of survey?

Every domestic commercial vessel is required to have a certificate of survey unless it is exempt.

Circumstances where your vessel may be exempt from the requirement to have a certificate of survey include:

Your vessel may be required to have a load line certificate, even if it is exempt from the requirement to have a certificate of survey.

Access the My Boat system for guidance on how to keep your vessel compliant.

What will a certificate of survey allow me to do?

A certificate of survey will allow your vessel to be operated commercially in Australia and will identify:

What do I need to do once I have a certificate of survey?

Every vessel with a certificate of survey needs to be surveyed when the certificate is renewed. Some vessels also need to be surveyed periodically during the life of the certificate. You will receive a schedule of required surveys with your certificate.

You must make sure that you comply with the conditions of your certificate of survey at all times. These include the requirement for the vessel to continue to comply with the standards that apply to it and to be surveyed according to its survey schedule. It is an offence to operate a vessel in breach of a condition on its certificate of survey.

When and how do I apply for a new certificate of survey?

You need to apply for a new certificate of survey if your vessel is required to have one and:

  • the vessel has never held a certificate of survey
  • the vessel has not held a certificate of survey for the past two years
  • you want to remove or change a condition on the current certificate of survey
  • you want to alter or modify the vessel or its operations
  • you want to make any variation to your certificate when you renew it.

Select the ‘New’ button below for more information and instructions.

When and how do I renew my certificate of survey?

Certificates of survey are normally valid for five years. We will send you a reminder notice 90 days before your certificate expires and outline the surveys that are due to support the renewal application.

Please note that the 10, 20 and 30 year survey items, required in Clause 4.11(2) of the National Law—Marine surveyors accreditation guidance manual,  will need to be completed by no later than the second renewal survey post 1 July 2018.  For example, if a certificate of survey is renewed in 2020, it is expected that the 10, 20, 30 year surveys (as applicable to the age of the vessel) will be carried out no later than the next renewal in 2025.

You will need to renew the certificate before it expires. If you have not renewed your certificate when it expires, you must stop operating until the certificate is renewed or you receive approval to operate temporarily under Exemption 7 Marine Safety (Temporary operations).

Select the ‘Renew’ button below for more information about how to renew your certificate of survey.

Select the ‘New’ button below if you are renewing your certificate and need to change anything on your certificate to avoid paying multiple application fees.;

How do I change details on an existing certificate of survey?

Select the ‘Vary’ button below if you want to:

  • transfer the certificate
  • remove a service category
  • update certificate details.

If you only want to update the certificate holders contact details (for example if you have changed address or telephone details), you can do this without submitting an application by calling AMSA Connect. If you have changed your name (eg married) then select the 'Vary' button below.

Select the ‘New’ button below if you want to:

  • add a service category
  • remove or change a condition
  • alter or modify vessel details.

What do I do if I can’t get my vessel surveyed, safety equipment serviced or compass adjusted by the due date?

You can apply to extend the time needed to complete a periodic survey, service safety equipment or have your compass adjusted.

You can also apply to extend the time needed to complete the out of water component of a renewal survey.

If you want to notify AMSA of a change to engine(s) on a domestic commercial vessel, where the change does not invalidate the certificate, please complete the Notification of change of engine form (AMSA 1847).

What if I sell my vessel?

You must notify us within 14 days if the vessel is sold. The certificate can be transferred to a new certificate holder. Select the ‘Vary’ button below.

Can I cancel my certificate of survey or put it on hold?

You can apply to suspend your certificate for up to 18 months. This will not extend the duration of the certificate. Select the ‘Suspend or revoke’ button below for more information.

You can apply to have your certificate permanently revoked. Note that if you are selling your vessel, a vary application is likely to be more appropriate. Once the certificate is revoked it cannot be reinstated and you or the subsequent owner will have to apply for a new one.

If you want to request that your certificate be revoked, select the ‘Suspend or revoke’ button below for information.

We can suspend a certificate of survey on our own initiative. We must do this if we are satisfied that the suspension is necessary for the purpose of:

  • ensuring any unpaid fees are recovered
  • ensuring necessary repairs are made to the vessel
  • we consider it necessary in the interest of marine safety or protecting the environment.

We can revoke a certificate of survey on our own initiative. We must do this if:

  • we consider it necessary in the interest of marine safety or protecting the environment or
  • the certificate was issued error.

Who can survey my vessel?

Most vessels can be surveyed by a marine surveyor (AMS) who is accredited to perform the category of survey being conducted.

Some vessels are required to be surveyed by a recognised organisation (RO), also known as a classification society.

Vessels ≥35 m in length

Most vessels ≥35 m in length are required to be surveyed by an RO. Some less complex vessels may be eligible to be surveyed by an AMS. 

Check the policy on survey requirements for vessels ≥35 metres.

Novel vessels

Novel vessels are required to be surveyed by an RO.

A vessel may be categorised as a ‘novel vessel’ if it does not have the shape, form, function or propulsion of most vessels of a similar kind.  

The novel vessel policy sets out some of the types of vessels AMSA considers novel. It also sets out pathways for them to obtain certification.

Electrical surveys for plan approval

Electrical surveys for plan approval can be performed by:

  • an appropriately accredited marine surveyor
  • an RO.  

Other electrical surveys

Other electrical surveys can be performed by:

  • an appropriately accredited marine surveyor
  • a person who holds a valid unrestricted electrical licence issued by a state or territory.  

When an electrical survey is conducted by a person holding an electrical licence, they must provide a certificate of compliance report to the surveyor surveying the rest of the vessel.

Can I request a replacement certificate?

You can request a replacement copy online. There is a fee payable.

What type of application do you want to make?

New certificate

What do I need to do?

To apply to gain a new certificate of survey:

Apply online or by post

If you are also required to have a load line certificate, you can apply for one at the same time using the same form.

Have your vessel details handy. The vessel type, measured length, breadth, depth, max design speed, hull material and kW power of the largest engine are mandatory fields on the form.

Attach supporting documentation, including:

  • a copy of any changes made to your existing certificate of survey (if applicable)
  • confirmation of the organisation name and the ACN and/or ABN (eg ASIC extract, trust deed etc) if you are applying as an organisation
  • evidence of a change of name for an individual.
Submit survey reports

You will receive a letter from us telling you which surveys are required for the application to be processed.

This will likely include plan approval, construction and commissioning phase surveys.

Contact an accredited marine surveyor or recognised organisation to have your surveys completed.

Complete an application form 

Complete an Application for a certificate of survey for a domestic commercial vessel form 521 to gain your certificate of survey.

Pay the fee

Fees apply for this type of application. See our fees page for more information.

Next steps

A letter will be sent to you with the outcome of your application.

Contacting us

If you have questions about the status of your application or the outcome, please contact AMSA Connect.

Renew certificate

What do I need to do?

To apply to renew a certificate of survey:

Apply online or by post

Attach the required supporting documentation, including (if applicable):

  • a copy of your existing certificate of survey
  • if you are applying as an organisation, confirmation of the organisation name (if applicable), ACN and ABN (eg ASIC extract, trust deed etc)
  • proof of change of name for an individual.

If you are submitting your application online, please upload the documents. If you are using Australia post to submit your application please post the documents along with your application.

Submit survey reports

You will receive a letter from us advising you what surveys are required.

Contact an accredited marine surveyor or recognised organisation to have your surveys completed.

Complete an application form 

Complete an Application for a renewal of a certificate of survey and/or load line form 521 to renew your certificate of survey.

Pay the fee

Fees apply for this type of application. See our fees page for more information.

Next steps

A letter will be sent to you with the outcome of your application.

Contacting us

If you have questions about the status of your application or the outcome, please contact AMSA Connect.

Vary certificate

What do I need to do?

To apply to vary an existing certificate of survey:

Complete an application 

For a certificate of survey and/or load line, class C restricted Operations (EX40), or non-survey vessel approval (EX02), complete an application:

Apply online or by post.

Attach supporting documentation

Attach the required supporting documentation including (if applicable):

  • a copy of your existing certificate of survey
  • if you are applying as an organisation, confirmation of the organisation name (if applicable), ACN and ABN (eg ASIC extract, trust deed etc)
  • proof of change of name for an individual.
Pay the fee

Fees apply for this type of application. See our fees page for more information.


Suspend or revoke certificate

What do I need to do?

To apply to suspend an existing certificate of survey:

Complete an application

Complete an Application to suspend or revoke a certificate or approval form 600 to suspend or revoke a vessel certificate or approval.

Apply online or by post.

Pay the fee

Fees apply for applications to suspend a certificate. See our fees page for more information.

Next steps

A letter will be sent to you with the outcome of your application.

Contacting us

If you have questions about the status of your application or the outcome, please contact AMSA Connect.

Last updated: 18 September 2023