If you intend to design and build a domestic commercial vessel (DCV), you presently operate a DCV which has a certificate of survey, or you intend to undertake significant alterations or additions to a DCV, you may need to contact an accredited marine surveyor or an AMSA recognised organisation to have your vessel surveyed.
Accredited marine surveyors can undertake surveys nationally, however surveyors often specify the areas in which they choose to provide their services. You can find each surveyor's preferred work area, categories of accreditation and contact details below. Surveyors are often booked well in advance and we recommend that you initiate contact with your preferred surveyor as early as possible to prevent any possible conflicts which may impact your vessels scheduled periodic or renewal survey dates.
Operators in remote areas may choose to coordinate a number of vessel surveys to take place at the same time to share the cost of bringing the surveyor on site.
- Category descriptions for accredited surveyors
Category of survey Description of services a Initial survey—plan approval b Initial survey—stability approval c Initial survey—load line—assignment d Initial survey—electrical—extra low voltage e Initial survey—electrical—low voltage f Initial survey—electrical—high voltage g Initial survey—construction or alteration—hull, deck and superstructure h Initial survey—construction or alteration—machinery i Initial survey—construction or alteration—load line conditions and markings j Initial survey—construction or alteration—equipment k Initial survey—construction or alteration—commissioning l Periodic survey m Periodic survey—electrical n Periodic survey—load line o Survey of safety equipment p Survey of communications equipment * Where marked with asterisks, limitations may apply
- Categories required for each survey code
Survey code Required category of accreditation PLAN (a) initial survey – plan approval ILAS (c) initial survey – load line – assignment IHST (g) initial survey – construction or alteration – hull, deck and superstructure IENG (h) initial survey – construction or alteration – machinery IFTA (h) initial survey – construction or alteration – machinery ISHA (h) initial survey – construction or alteration – machinery IFIR (g) initial survey – construction or alteration – hull, deck and superstructure (h) initial survey – construction or alteration – machinery IMAR (b) initial survey – stability approval
(g) initial survey – construction or alteration – hull, deck and superstructure
(c) initial survey – load line – assignment
(i) initial survey – construction or alteration – load line conditions and markings
IWWI (g) initial survey – construction or alteration – hull, deck and superstructure ILOA (i) initial survey – construction or alteration – load line conditions and markings IELE (d) initial survey – electrical – extra low voltage
(e) initial survey – electrical – low voltage
(f) initial survey – electrical – high voltage
ILIG (b) initial survey – stability approval STAB (b) initial survey – stability approval COMM (k) initial survey – construction or alteration – commissioning X40S (l) periodic survey PRDC (l) periodic survey ELEC (m) periodic survey – electrical OWAT (l) periodic survey SHAFT (l) periodic survey LOAD (n) periodic survey – load line LITE (b) initial survey – stability approval (l) periodic survey
Location of surveyors
You can find each accredited marine surveyor and the work area where they conduct surveys. However, all accredited marine surveyors are able to undertake surveys nationally. Each accredited marine surveyor’s contact details show their location and categories of accreditation. Where services are not provided, we recommend you contact the surveyor directly to confirm their availability in your state.
- Australian Capital Territory
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Nil entries
- New South Wales
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Bahram Abedi a* d g h i j k l n o p Scott Aiton l* Phone: 02 9810 0501
Mobile: 0422 232 228
Email: surveyors@gibsonminto-aiton.com.auSydney Chris Allsopp d* h j k* l* o Email: 0499 222 180
Email: chris@smsurveyors.com.au
Website: www.smsurveyors.com.auNew South Wales Sean Anker g* h j k l* n o p Mobile: 0414 758 351
Email: sean@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auSydney Sam Berry a* b l* n o Mobile: 0406 267 507
Phone: 03 9279 2807
Email: sam@ctmd.com.au
Web: https://www.ctmd.com.au
New South Wales
QueenslandCraig Boulton a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0416 075 439
Phone: 02 9882 3844
Email: craig.boulton@asomarine.com.auSue Brown
l* o p Mobile: 0499 353 332 New South Wales south coast Nichola Buchanan a* b Mobile: 0428 423 135
Phone: 02 8883 4086
Email: nic@johnbutlerdesign.com.auNew South Wales Don Buckley g* h j k*l* o Mobile: 0412 226 245
Email: donbuckley@admiralmarinesurveying.comSydney
New South WalesDavid Burn g* k* l* o* Mobile: 0468 912 644
Email: david@safehavenshipwrights.com.auNewcastle to Port Macquarie
Hunter Region
Coffs Harbour
Yamba /IlukaJohn Butler a* b c g* i o Mobile: 0414 280 975
Phone: 02 8883 4086
Email: john@johnbutlerdesign.com.auNew South Wales
South AustraliaLiam Chen a*b* Gavin Clark d g* h j k l* o Mobile: 0418 442 515
Email: gavin@boatsurveying.com.auSydney Rowan Curtis a* b c d g h i j k l m* n o p Luke Dwyer l* n o p* Mobile: 0410 915 953
Email: lukeyemail@gmail.comNSW between Eden and Port Macquarie Carl Eather g *h i j k l* n o Kumar Fernando a* d g h i j k l n o p Dane Fowler a* b c d g h i j k l m* n o p Donald Glyde a*d e m* p Mobile: 0409 551 658
Email: glyde.systems@bigpond.comEast coast Justin Gorddard h j l* o Mobile: 0414 400 025
Email: justin@marinesurveyingaustralia.comSydney
New South Wales
Hunter region
Mid-north coast
Inland waters
QueenslandNadeesh Gulawita l* n o p Mobile: 0400 356 912
Email: marine@amc-au.comNew South Wales Craig Hanna a* d g h i j k l n o p Murray Isles a* b c g h i j k l n o Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auAtef Jaber a* d g h i j k l n o Sajeer Vattam Kandathil a* b c g h i j k l m* n o p Mobile: 0478 587 144
Email: nmdsurveyor@gmail.comAustralia wide Peter Kerkenezov l n o p Mobile: 0413 882 050
Email: equivet@nor.com.auBallina
Northern Rivers
MooloolabaJennifer Knox a* b c i Mobile: 0404 863 919
Email: navlight@lna.com.au
Web: www.lna.com.auNew South Wales
Far north QueenslandNorthern Territory
Lauren Kurts a* b* c* d g* h i* j k* l* n* o p Mobile: 0438 552 802
Phone: 1300 158 433
www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auNew South Wales Greg Lambert d g h j k l m o p Mobile: 0429 988 330
Email: marine@hillgrove.net.auAustralia wide David Lassau a* b d g h j k l m* o Mobile: 0425 230 695
Email: admin@sofraco.com.auSydney
AdelaideNorman Maningo l n* o p Mobile: 0432 494 094
Phone: 02 4953 8634
Email: norman@huntermarine.com.auNewcastle
East coast New South WalesSteven McCoombe a* b c d g h i j k l m* n o p Michael Minogue a* g h i j k l n o Mobile: 0407 204 673
Email: michaelminogue2yahoo.com.auNew South Wales Steven Mitchell a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0412 041 042
E-mail: shaping@bigpond.net.auAustralia wide Richard Morris l n o p Mobile: 0410 689 289
Phone: 1800 792 248
Email: richard@australiansuperyachts.com.auSydney Ahmad Nabilssi l* n o p Mobile: 0433 438 316
Email: nabilssi-ahmad@hotmail.comWestern Australia
New South WalesTatiana Nasoufi a* b c g h i j k l n o p Stephen Nichols a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Dean O'Malley g* h j k* l* o p Mobile: 0478 759 662
E-mail: dean@nauticalsystems.com.auNew South Wales Grahame Parker a* b Mobile: 0403 009 935
Email: gap1006@gmail.comAustralia wide Damian Pudney g h j k l o p Geoffrey Reeves a* d e m* p Mobile: 0418 793 078
Email: reevesmarine@bigpond.comAustralia wide Mike Rose d g* h j k* l* o p Mobile: 0401 181 898
Email: mike@radicalyachts.comSydney
Australia wideBrett Ryall a* b d g* h i j k* l* n o p Mobile: 0434 875 708
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: brett@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auNew South Wales Reaz Shahid l* n o Mobile: 0470 585 899
Email: reaz.shahid@crawco.co.auNew South Wales Prem Shankar b Mobile: 0432 185 746
E-mail: prem@thenavalarch.com
www.thenavalarch.comNew South Wales
VictoriaAdam Stafford g*j l o p Mobile: 0407 799 913
E-mail: staffordshipwrights@gmail.comNSW South Coast
VIC to WollongongWade Stubbs d g* h i j k* l* n o p Mobile: 043 708 3977
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: wade@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auAustralia wide Michael Uberti a* b* c d e* g h i j k l m* n o p Mobile: 0408 138 653
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: mick@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auAustralia wide Simon Walter a* d g h i j k l m* n o p Mal Wickrama a b* g h j k l o David Wise-Mann a* b c d g* h i j k l* n o Mobile: 0480 102 145
Phone: 1300 158 433
E-mail: david@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auNew South Wales Timothy Withrington a* b g* h j k l* o Mobile: 0413 801 101
Email: tim@aseayachtdesign.comNew South Wales
Asia (i.e. China; Taiwan; Thailand)
- Northern Territory
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Geoffrey Browne d g* h j k l* m* n o p Mobile: 0417 440 219
Phone: 08 8932 7757
Email: geoff.browne3@bigpond.comNorthern Territory
Western AustraliaNikki Daire a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Thi Duong a* b* g* Mobile: 0432 400 093
Email: thi256@yahoo.comNorthern Territory Daniel Keil a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Tel: 08 8967 1661
Email: admin@keilmaritime.com
Web: www.keilmaritime.comNorthern Territory
Australia wide
Western AustraliaMuhammed Quader j l* n o Mobile: 0418 797 059
E-mail: admin@vmarine.com.auNorthern Territory Srishailam Desikachar Srinivas a* b c d g h i j k l n o p
- Queensland
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Joseph Akacich g* h j k l o p Mobile: 0419 153 153
Email: black@blackpond.com.auRodney Armstrong b* d g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0477 100 833
Email: rod@armstrongmaritimeservices.com.auWarren Bacon a* d e k m o p Mobile: 0418 792 880
Email: waztec@bigpond.comAustralia wide
InternationalRussell Behan g* h j k l o p Mobile: 0418 735 648
Email: russ@nekton.com.auAustralia Wide
New ZealandNicholas Bentley a* b* c* g* h* i* j k* l* n o Mobile: 0414 831 069
Email: nick@oceanicdesign.com.auAustralia wide
InternationalToby Blundell g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0421 570 475
Phone: 1300 664 881
Email: toby@navsafemarine.com.auAustralia wide David Bruce a* b c Mobile: 0411 705 197
Phone: 07 4035 1488
Email: david.bruce@gaglanville.comKen Christie l n o Mobile: 0436 190 319
Email: kenneth.christie@au.sedgwick.comBallina to Gladstone Peter Clarke g* h i j k l* n o Mobile: +64 21 468 553
Mobile: 0410 285 638
Email: pjccoct@gmail.comAustralia wide
New ZealandMichael Connellan a* b* g* h j* k* l* o p* Mobile: 0418 402 040
Email: michael@australianmarine.com.auBrisbane
Gold CoastScott Cumming g h j k l Mobile: 0404 107 866
Email: scott@aquamarineservices.com.au
www.aquamarineservices.com.auGold Coast
Tweed HeadsTerry Davis a* b g* h* i j k* l o p Mobile: 0428 664 306
Phone: 07 5474 8774
Email: tdmarinesurveyors@bigpond.comMark Devereaux a* b c Reza Dolatabadi a* b* Mobile: 0432 036 340
Email: shiparc@yahoo.comQueensland
New South WalesStephen Earp b* g* h j k l o p Mobile: 0418 881 103
Phone: 07 5452 5187
Email: stephen.earp@bigpond.comMike Ebsworth b* d g* h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0400 333 223
Phone: 07 5445 4226
Email: mike@maritimeprojects.com.auSunshine Coast
QueenslandStephen Eiszele g* h i* j k* l* n o p Mobile: 0481 534 079
Email: info@boatsurveys.com.auAustralia wide Timothy Fish g* h i j k l* n o Mobile: 0408 494 889
Email: tfish@mipecmcs.com.auHervey Bay
YeppoonSteven Foster g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0419 713 949
Email: steve@oceaneer.com.auAustralia wide
InternationalPeter Fowler a* d e* m* Mobile: 0438 865 306
Phone: 07 5573 6022
Email: peter@bensonandbrown.com.auAustralia wide Stephen Fowler a* d h j k l* o p Mobile: 0437 928 376
Phone: 07 5573 6022
Email: stephen@bensonandbrown.com.auAustralia wide Geoffrey Glanville a* b c Mobile: 0438 575 540
Phone: 07 4035 1488
Email: gaglanville@gaglanville.comJustin Gorddard h j l* o Mobile: 0418 400 025
Email: justin@marinesurveyingaustralia.comSydney
New South Wales
Hunter region
Mid-north coast
Inland waters
QueenslandAndrew Griffiths g* h j k l o p Mobile: 0447 614 405
Email: surveyor@accurasea.com.au
Gold Coast - Yamba
Northern NSWAndrew Harvey a* b c i n o Mobile: 0412 191 711
Email: andrew@nekton.com.auAustralia wide
New ZealandDavid Higgins g* h i j k* l* n o p Phone: 0422 505 738
Email: surveyor@dmchmarine.com.au
Web: www.dmchmarine.com.auNorth Queensland Peter Hogbin a* b c i j n o Mobile: 0407 211 399
Phone: 07 5502 3260
Email: peter@auroramarinedesign.com.auAustralia wide Peter Holmes a* b c g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0412 653 582
Email: peter@directmarinesolutions.com.auAustralia wide David Hooper g h j k l o p Zac Howells b* g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0417 849 072
Email: zac@howellsmaritime.com.auPaul Hubbert l o p Mark Hughes a* b c i n Mobile: 0422 226 203
Email: einey@blackpond.com.auNew South Wales
QueenslandChristopher Hutchings a* b c g h i j k l n o Mobile: 0414 557 797
Phone: 07 5529 5788
Email: chris@oceanicdesign.com.auAustralia wide
InternationalCarl-Ulrik Jernert a* d e g* h j k l m* o p Mobile: 0437 887 051
Phone: 07 4788 7051
Email: service@kedge.com.auJay Kerle g* h* i* j* k* l* n* o* p* Mobile: 0417 875 940
Email: jay@marineapplications.com.auAntony Krokowski a* b c d g* h i j k* l m* n o p Mobile: 0493 730 408
Email: akrpeq@gmail.comAustralia wide
International - New ZealandDarren Lack g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0413 191 495
Email: darren@motorsail.com.au
Web: www.motorsail.com.auCoffs Harbour to Brisbane Peter Lambert g* h* j k l n o Steven Larkin a* b* d g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0412 263 279
Phone: 07 4093 9190
Email: slarkin@ozemail.com.au
Email: office@russlarkinassociates.com.auAustralia wide
InternationalArkady Lobchenko a* d e m Mobile: 0451 095 513
Email: arkady.lobchenko@gmail.comBrisbane Jason Locke a* d e f m Mobile: 0432 506 037
Email: ruby.edms@gmail.comAustralia wide
InternationalHamish Lyons a* b c g* h i j k* l* o Mobile: 0417 769 859
Phone: 07 5529 5788
Email: hamish@oceanicdesign.com.au
Web: www.oceanicdesign.com.auAustralia wide
InternationalCarl Mackey a* d e m* Mobile: 0438 614 347
Phone: 07 3399 7977
Email: carl@mackeyelectrical.com.auMarcel Maujean l* o* p* Mobile: 0438 352 966
Email: marcel@mbd1.com.auQueensland
Northern Territory
South AustraliaAndrew McDonald-Smith a* b g* h j k l o p Mobile: 0414 372 371
Email: andrew@mcdsmithmarine.com
Web: www.mcdsmithmarine.comGold Coast to Cairns Eric McIlwain d g* h j k l n o Mobile: 0490 106 242
Email: eric.mcilwain@hastingsme.com.auAustralia wide
InternationalScott Murphy b* g* h* i j k l* n o Mobile: 0412 471 794
Phone: 07 5529 5788
Email: scott@oceanicdesign.com.auAustralia wide Brett Murrie a* b g* h j k o Mobile: 0410 491 286
Email: brettmurriemarine@bigpond.com
Web: www.brettmurriemarinedesign.com.auSydney to North Queensland Graeme Normington b* d g* h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0427 965 814
Email: normington@spin.net.auGeoffrey Osborne a* d e f m Mobile: 0432 033 188
Email: geoff@independentelectrical.com.auMackay
Australia wideGary Owens b* d g* h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0408 707 370
Email: gary@gomarine.com.auAustralia wide Thomas Parsons l* o p Jalal Rafieshahraki a* b* Mobile: 0448 980 874
Email: jalal@seatransport.comQueensland
New South Wales
Mervin Sagario a* b c g* h i Mobile: 0416 576 997
Phone: 07 4032 5174
Email: mervin@misshipdesign.comMike Saunders d h i j l m* n o p Iain Scott a* d e* m* p Mobile: 0435 109 092
Phone: 07 3390 8155
Email: iscott@met-connect.comDarren Simmonds g* h i* j k l n o Mobile: 0437 030 264
Phone: 07 4947 3350
Email: dls@auscon.com.auPhillip Simpson d g* h i j k l n o Mobile: 0437 725 754
Email: phil@simpsonmarine.com.au
Julian Smallwood g* h j k l* o Mobile: 0407 009 739
Email: sjsmallwood@bigpond.comCannonvale
TownsvilleMark Smith a* d e f g* h i j k l m n o p Mobile: 0403 585 448
Phone: 1300 550 810
Email: mark.smith@setqld.com.auAustralia wide Timothy Smolder d g* h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0428 333 706
E-mail: tim@globalmarineservices.com.au
Web: http://www.globalmarineservices.com.au/Townsville James Stephen a* b c i n o Mobile: 0417 728 359
Phone: 07 3392 9255
Email: james@jqstephen.com.auGregory Stroud g* h k* l* o Mobile: 0434 141 158
Email: greg@atlanticsurvey.com.au
Web: www.atlanticsurvey.com.auQueensland
New South WalesKieran Torti d g* h j k* l* n o p Mobile: 0458 369 128
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: kieran@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auQueensland
Northern NSWRodney Twitchin h o Mobile: 0412 641 614
Email: rod@rtmarine.com.auBenjamin Weedon g* h i j k* l* n o Mobile: 0416 477 118
E-mail: ben.weedon@yahoo.com.auAustralia wide Ashley Weir a* b c* g* h i j* k* l* o Eamon Winn a* d e m* Mobile: 0412 075 554
E-mail: operations@m2i.com.auAustralia wide Martin Williams k* l* n* o Mobile: 0484 292 770
Email: manager@portcityfabrications.comGladstone
Harvey Bay
QueenslandTimothy Withrington a* b g* h j k l* o Mobile: 0413 801 101
Email: tim@aseayachtdesign.comQueensland
New South Wales
Asia (i.e. China; Taiwan; Thailand)Ryan Witte a* d e m* Mobile: 0408 066 734
Email: ryan@nauticalelectrical.com.auNorthern Queensland William Wright a* b g* h i j k o Mobile: 0418 767 325
Phone: 07 3399 3911
Email: bill@wrightsons.com.au
- South Australia
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Ian Anthon g h i j k l n o Mobile: 0409 691 368
Email: ian.anthon@marineconsulting.com.au
Web: www.marineconsulting.com.auAustralia wide Seaga Austin g h j l* o Mobile: 0423 467 969
Email: seaga_87@hotmail.comSouth Australia Tim Boast d g h i j k l n o Mobile: 0438 687 001
Email: tim@saringroup.com.auAustralia wide Michael Dyer b* g h j k l o Mobile: 0439 180 030
Email: dycraft@bigpond.comAustralia wide Adam Gohl a* d e m o p William La Vars d g* h i j k l* n o p Phone: 0408 688 006
Email: billlavars@bigpond.comAustralia wide Giang Ngo a* b c g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0431 413 218
Email: g.ngo@gnmarine.com.auAustralia wide Grant Park c d g* h i j k l n o Mobile: 0438 012 143
Email: grantparkassoc@gmail.comAustralia wide Sanu Chirathara Rajanbabu g* h j k Mobile: 0422 049 249
Email: crsanu@yahoo.com
Webiste: www.fpgaus.comAustralia wide Michael Sierp j k* l o p Mobile: 0434 078 851
Email: msierp@aquaticbiosecurity.com
Website: msierp@aquaticbiosecurity.comDamian Turner d g* h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0428 563 494
E-mail: survey@goldenwestmaritime.comEyre Peninsula Mike Tweedie a* b c g h i j k l m* n o p Mobile: 0437 103 239
Email: mike@tweedmarine.comDennis Uy a b c g h i j n o p Mobile: 0468 696 075
Email: denizuy@yahoo.comAustralia wide Sajeer Vattam Kandathil a* b c g h i j k l m* n o p Mobile: 0478 587 144
Email: nmdsurveyor@gmail.comAustralia wide Leo Vette b* d g j k l m* o p Mobile: 0428 330 405
Email: leovette@bigpond.comMurray River Glenn Whybro g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0427 604 153
Email: g.whybro@gnmarine.com.auAustralia wide
- Tasmania
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Paul Arnison l o Mobile: 0428 465 150
E-mail: arnisonpl@gmail.comTobias Clarke a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0401 450 107
Email: contact@tcwork.comTasmania Clive Evans a* b c i n Mobile: 0458 111 962
Email: clive.evans@kingstonbeachmarine.com.au
Web: www.kingstonbeachmarine.com.auTasmania
Australia wideAndrew Fearman g h i j k l n o Mobile: 0419 390 738
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: andrew@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
Web: www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auTasmania Nick Fleming g h i j k l n o Mobile: 0488 252 104
Email: nick@marinecraftsurvey.com.auPeter Harris d g h i j k l n o Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auRichard Hewson d g* h i j k* l m* n o p Mobile: 0402 108 301
Email: contact@salusmaritime.com
Web: https://salusmaritime.com/Tasmania Paul Howard
g* h j k* l*Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auTasmania Michael Hunn a* b c g h i j k l n o Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auNick Johnston h l* n o Mobile: 0419 842 563
Email: johnston@marinecraft@gmail.comTasmania Steve Jones g*h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0417 918 855
Email: steve@maidenmarine.netAustralia wide Scott Keane g* h i j k* l* n o Mobile: 0447 002 330
Email: scott@assuredmarineservices.comTAS
OverseasPeter Keyes g h i j k l n o Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auAustralia wide Sanele Latunipulu i j l* n o Mobile: 0438 830 572
E-mail: sanele@briarmaritime.com.auTasmania Rob Maher a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Alan Muir a* b g* h j k* Mobile: 0427 947 004
Email: amsquared62@gmail.comTasmania Anoop Rajendran Nair c g* h i j k l n o p Michael O'Connor a* b g* h j Mobile: 0458 695 844
Phone: 03 6273 3700
Email: moconnor@taylorbros.com.au
Web: www.taylorbros.com.auAustralia wide David Peberdy d h l* n o Mobile: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auTasmania Graham Perkins g* h j k* l* n Mobile: 0407 338 489
Email: grahamperkins@internode.on.netTasmania Brian Peters g i j k l n o Mobile: 0418 140 085
Email: info@briarmaritime.com.auMatthew Radford d g* h j k* l o Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auTasmania Nirman Sembukutti Vidanelage a* b c i n Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auTasmania Quentin Smith g* h i* j k l n o p Mobile: 0428 751 411
Email: quentin@maidenmarine.net
www.maidenmarine.netAustralia wide Venusi Tapealava g* h i j k* l* n o p Mobile: 0427 179 855
Email: venusitapealava@gmail.com
Web: www.maidenmarine.netTasmania
Australia wideCallum Thompson-Young a* b g* k* l* Phone: 1300 899 596 / 03 6292 5782
Email: service@kedge.com.au
Web: www.kedge.com.auTasmania Timothy Warren l* o p Phone: 03 6289 8962
Mobile: 0428 165 868
Email: info@ausnautical.com.au
Web: www.ausnautical.com.auTasmania
Australia wideStewart Wells a* b c g* h i j k* l * n o p Mobile: 0481 984 286
E-mail: stewiejwells@gmail.comTasmania
Australia wideYaru Yu a* b c g* h i j k* l* n Mobile: 0466 809 495
Email: Yaru.Yu@utas.edu.au
Web: www.amcsearch.com.auTasmania
- Victoria
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Joseph Alphonse j n o p Mobile: 0421 841 251
Email: joseph.alphonse@almarco.com.auVictoria Jordan Banks a* b g* h* j l* o p Mobile: 0487 446 626
Phone: 03 9279 2807
Email: jordan@ctmd.com.au
New South Wales
East GippslandPaul Bury a* b c g h i j k n Mobile: 0409 865 535
Email: paul@bury.com.auErik Eriksson a b* c d e* g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0427 014 861
Phone: 1300 158 433
E-mail: erik@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
Western Victoria
Australia wideThomas Ferrier-Gorman l o p Mobile: 0407 301 803
Email: ferriermarinesurveyors@gmail.comMelbourne, Geelong, Portarlington,
Queenscliff, Apollo Bay, Port Fairy,
Warnambool, San Remo,
Lakes Entrance, Portland,
All Victorian inland waterwaysSundras Govender l n o p Mobile: 0476 006 132
Email: sundrasg@iinet.net.auVictoria Sean Johnston a* b c g* h j k l* o p Mobile: 0414 506 989
Email: cms@cmsmdc.comAustralia wide Isireli Lyons a b c d e* g h i j k l m* n o p Mobile: 0402 882 896
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: isi@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auAustralia wide Thomas Magnuson a* b c g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0417 680 246
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: thom@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auAustralia wide Mark McIlwain l* o* Mobile: 0419 033 833
Email: mark@georgeandsim.com.auVictoria
East CoastCampbell McMillan g* j k* l* o Mobile: 0438 855 648
Email: campbell@mcmillanmarine.com.au
www.mcmillanmarine.com.auVictoria Byron Miller d g* h j k* l* o p Mobile: 0431 099 604
Phone : 1300 158 433
Email: byron@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
Australia wideJames Nolan a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0400 828 831
Phone: 1300 158 433
E-mail: james@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
Australia wideShaun Ritson a* b c d g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0417 986 515
Email: shaun.ritson@mmd.net.au
Web: www.mmd.net.auVictoria Prem Shankar b Mobile: 0432 185 746
E-mail: prem@thenavalarch.com
www.thenavalarch.comNew South Wales
VictoriaBen Taylor a* b* g* l* n o p Mobile: 0476 560 583
Email: coastal@keilmaritime.com
Web: www.keilmaritime.comPhillip Island
SE Melbourne
East VictoriaChris Tucker a* b d g* h j k o p Mobile: 0400 628 379
Phone: 03 9279 2807
Email: chris@ctmd.com.au
Web: www.ctmd.com.auVictoria
Murray RiverMichael Uberti a* b* c d e* g h i j k l m* n o p Mobile: 0408 138 653
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: mick@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
Web: www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auAustralia wide
- Western Australia
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Simon Anderson a* b c d g h I j k l* n o Andrew Baker a* b g* j k o Mobile: 0401 349 777
Phone: 08 9437 3096
Email: andrew@abmarine.com.auSean Cribb a* b c g* h i j k l n Mobile: 0411 791 528
Phone: 08 9337 5672
Email: sean.cribb@mmd.net.au
Web: www.mmd.net.auWestern Australia
Northern TerritoryLeonard Darby l* n o p Mobile: 0447 850 232
Email: lendarby@bigpond.comWestern Australia
Northern TerritoryMurray Dean g* h* j k* l* o Mobile: 0417 172 047
Email: murray@greenseasurvey.com.auWestern Australia
GeraldtonGeorge Fossey d g h j k l o p Mobile: 0417 919 697
Email: ops@seamaritime.com.auWestern Australia
Northern TerritoryPhillip Fox l* o p Mobile: 0407 426 087
Email: midwestmarinesurveyors@gmail.comBroome
PerthSteven Hall a* d e m Mobile: 0415 109 839
Phone: 08 9437 1300
Email: Steven.hall@ejelectrical.com.au
www.ejelectrical.com.auWestern Australia Clive Hanson a* d g h i* j k l m* n o p* Mobile: 0427 012 738
Email: chmsc@outlook.comCalum Kennedy a* b* c d g* h i j k* l* n o p Mobile: 0433 312 717
Phone: 1300 158 433
Email: calum@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.au
Web: www.maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auAustralia wide Jasil Malliyackal i n o p Mobile: 0403 286 404
Emal: operations@aus-shilmarine.com
Web: www@aus-shilmarine.comBroome
Port HedlandNick Martin a* b c d g h i j k l m* n o p Mobile: 0408 916 478
Email: info@dcvs.com.au
Web: dcvs.com.auWestern Australia Sean Mason a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Mick McAuliffe h l* o Mobile: 0429 109 148
Email: mick@greenseasurvey.com.au
Web: www.greenseasurvey.com.auJurien Bay to Karratha Justin McPherson a* b o Mobile: 0427 735 373
Phone: 08 9335 1991
Email: justin.mcpherson@imcau.com.auAhmad Nabilssi l* n o p Mobile: 0433 438 316
Email: nabilssi-ahmad@hotmail.comNew South Wales
Western AustraliaWade Nagel g* h i j k* l* n o Mobile: 0428 768 062
Email: wade@adaptmarine.com.auWestern Australia
FremantleTim Nexer h j l* o Mobile: 0448 793 835
Email: timnexer@tkmarineconsultants.com
Web: www.tkmarineconsultants.comWestern Australia Garry Nicholas a*d e m o Mobile: 0418 930 243
E-mail: garry.n@escm.net.auAustralia wide and overseas Mui Heng Ng d g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0458 016 394
Phone: 08 9335 3250
Email: mhng@mareng.comShiv Parihar d*g* h i j k l* n o p Mobile: 0456 980 609
E-mail: shivpujansingh@yahoo.co.ukAustralia wide Timothy Sexton a* b c d g h i j k l n o p Mobile: 0457 551 092
Email: tim@5fm.com.auWestern Australia Reaz Shahid l* n o Mobile: 0470 585 899
Email: reaz.shahid@crawco.co.auNew South Wales
Western AustraliaYan Naing Soe g* i j k l n o Hamish Stevens a* b c d g h i* j k l m* n o Tel: 08 8967 1661
Mobile: 0429 400 941
Email: admin@keilmaritime.com
Email: hamish@keilmaritime.com
Web: www.keilmaritime.comNorthern Territory
Western Australia
Australia wideVidzhay Vishv a* b* c d g h i j k l n o p
- New Zealand
Name Categories of accreditation Contact details Work areas Peter Clarke g* h i j k l* n o Mobile: 0410 285 638
Mobile: +64 21 468 553
Email:pjccoct@gmail.comAustralia wide
New ZealandGavin Dakers a* d e m* Mobile: +64 212 900 313
Email: gavin@marinecert.co.nzBenjamin Felton a*d e g* h j k* l* m o p Phone: +64 211 499 857
Phone: 1300 158 433
E-mail: ben@maritimesurveyaustralia.com.auAustralia wide
New ZealandDomonic Harvey g* h i j k l* n o Mobile: +64 275 774 746
Email: dgh@seasunbound.comNew Zealand Nina Heatley a* b c Mobile: +64 21 410 870
Phone: +64 9 963 3155
Email: nina@cleverfoxprojects.com
Web: www.cleverfoxprojects.comPaul Hudson l* n o p Mobile: +64 0223 536 006
Email: paulhudson600@yahoo.co.uk
Web: www.realeyes.kiwi/ph-consulting/Australia wide
New Zealand wide
Pacific IslandsGreg Marsden l* Mobile: +64 21 420 984
Email: enquires@mmservices.co.nz
Web: www.smallshipssurveys.co.nzAustralia wide New Zealand Pacific Islands Robin Williams d* e* f* g h i j k l* m* n o p Mobile: +64 274 595 564
Phone: +64 9476 1900
s Email: robinwilliams@xtra.co.nz
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