Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Exemption 7—Marine Safety (Temporary operations) Exemption

Approvals are required in some circumstances to operate under Exemption 07.

You can apply to us for a temporary operation by completing and submitting an Exemption application for temporary operations (AMSA 777).

A temporary operations approval can only be issued for up to a maximum of 90 days.

Vessel owners and operators are expected to hold the appropriate National Law certification rather than seeking repeated temporary exemptions approvals. The National Regulators policy is that subsequent temporary operations approvals (where the application is for the same reason as the initial application) will not be granted unless extraordinary circumstances exist.

What this exemption will allow you to do

Exemption 07 may allow you to operate your domestic commercial vessel temporarily in some cases without: 

Exemption 07 may also allow you to: 

Temporary operations

Temporary operations not requiring any approval include: 

Temporary operations requiring the approval of an accredited marine surveyor (or other person permitted under Marine Order 503 to conduct vessel survey) include: 

Temporary operations requiring our approval include: 

Legislation and incorporated material

Related information

