Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Transfer, revoke or suspend certificates for a domestic commercial vessel

What you need to do if you want to transfer, suspend or revoke a certificate or approval.

Transfer a certificate or approval

You can transfer a domestic commercial vessel’s certificate or approval to a different owner or operator. This may happen when (for example):

  • you sell or give the vessel as a gift
  • someone other than the current certificate holder is going to operate the vessel
  • you transfer the vessel as part of a deceased estate.

You must notify us within 14 days if this occurs.

Note: certificates of survey or operation, and related exemptions do not provide evidence of:

  • title or ownership of a vessel
  • an operator’s competence to operate a certain vessel. 

For evidence of title or ownership, register the vessel on the Australian General Shipping Register.

To transfer certificates

Select the certificate or approval type to see the right transfer instructions.

Certificate of survey and/or load line certificate

Valid certificates

Apply to transfer valid certificates using AMSA form 1780.

  • Only the new certificate holder can use this form. 
  • You must provide proof of the current certificate holder's agreement to the transfer. Examples of proof include bills of sale, contracts of sale and statutory declarations.
  • If you hold both a certificate of survey and a load line certificate, you only need to apply once. (Select both options on the application).

Expired certificates

You cannot transfer a certificate if it has expired. In this case, apply for a certificate of survey and/or load line certificate using AMSA form 521. Select the right option to either:

  • renew a certificate that has expired within the last 2 years
  • apply for a new certificate where the previous certificate expired more than 2 years ago.

Note: If you are changing the vessel’s structure or operation you may need to apply for a new certificate. See Marine Order 503, Schedule 1 for a list of notifiable changes. In this case select the option to:

  • advise of a change to the vessel, its current certificate or a condition on that certificate.
Exemption 02 (non-survey approval) or exemption 40 (class C restricted approval)

Apply to change a certificate (or approval) holder using AMSA form 1780.

  • Only new certificate holders can use this form.
  • You must provide proof of the current certificate holder's agreement to the transfer. Examples of proof include bills of sale, contracts of sale and statutory declarations.
Certificate of operation

We cannot transfer certificates of operation. 

Current operator (certificate holder)

If your certificate of operation lists vessels beside the vessel you are transferring:

  1. Apply for a certificate of operation using AMSA form 504.
  2. Select Make a change to an existing certificate of operation.
  3. Select Remove a vessel that is listed on the current certificate of operation.
  4. Continue to complete and submit your application.

If the current certificate only lists the vessel you are transferring:

New operator

Apply for a certificate of operation using AMSA form 504.

  • If you don’t have a certificate or want to list the vessel on a separate certificate, select Apply for a new certificate of operation.
  • If you already have a certificate and want to add the vessel, select Make a change to an existing certificate of operation. Then select all the changes that apply before completing the application. 

New operators must maintain the vessel’s safety management system (SMS).

Revoke a certificate

We can also revoke certificates or approvals. This may happen when:

  • you sell a vessel and the new operator does not intend to use the vessel as a domestic commercial vessel
  • you destroy a vessel or the vessel is no longer fit to operate
  • you intend to only operate the vessel for recreation.

Apply to revoke a certificate or approval using the AMSA form 600.

Suspend a certificate

You can apply to suspend a certificate if you do not intend to operate the vessel for a certain period. The suspension does not change the expiry date of the certificate.

We can suspend these certificates for up to 18 months:

  • certificate of survey
  • load line certificate
  • certificate of operation.

Apply to suspend a certificate or approval using AMSA form 600.

When the suspension ends

You must complete any surveys you may have missed during the suspension period. You must complete these surveys before you restart operations.

If you missed 2 surveys of the same type, you must complete one before you restart operations.

Selling vessels listed on the Australian General Shipping Register

Sellers of vessels on the register must provide buyers with:

  • bill of sale
    the vessel’s original registration certificate.

Buyer’s must use these documents to:

Learn more about transferring ownership of an Australian General Register vessel.

Contact us

For help transferring, revoking or suspending certificates, contact AMSA Connect.

Last updated: 28 February 2024