Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

2021–22 key activities:
1.1Work with government to implement the response to the Senate Standing Committee on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport report from the inquiry ‘Performance of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority’
1.2Continue to refine AMSA’s Annual Compliance program to focus on high risk operations and targeted education and inspection campaigns, based on a robust analysis of data and other information
1.3Complete and evaluate a new port State control targeting system and identify next steps (CAP)
1.4Deliver and implement the new Marine Order 505– Certificates of competency – national law.
1.5Implement short and long-term approaches for Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) certificate requirements for domestic commercial vessels
1.6Explore a phased approach to ending high risk grandfathering arrangements for domestic commercial vessels
1.7Embed AMSA’s regulatory and operational risk framework into regulatory and operational business functions
1.8Engage with industry on targeted approach to mandating lifejacket wear requirements for domestic commercial vessels in certain high-risk situations
1.9Develop an organisational data strategy to strengthen our use of data in decision making and improve our information quality and management
1.10Contribute to the whole of government efforts to decommission the Northern Endeavour floating production, storage and offtake (FPSO) facility
2022–25 key activities:
1.11Strengthen key compliance partnerships with other government entities to increase impact and reach
1.12Review and implement changes to standards for safety equipment in the National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV subsection C7A)
1.13Deliver effective cost determination of regulatory activities and financial reporting of actual costs – automated and predictive analytics using Activity Based Costing methodology
1.14Develop a levy revenue portal, measurement and analytics capability (CAP)
1.15Work with Government departments and agencies to develop framework for increased oversight of handoff for offshore oil and gas vessels/facilities transitioning between Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009 and Navigation Act 2012 regimes
1.16Work with the Government to seek consideration of a package of minor technical and workability amendments to principal legislation to improve the operation of the law, specifically the National Law Act 2012, the Navigation Act 2012 and the Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983
Primary Enterprise RiskModerate Risk RatingKey mitigation strategies
(1) AMSA is an ineffective regulator

Risk Appetite & Tolerance

regulatory approach

AMSA has a regulatory plan, policies and an annual compliance program.
Key mitigation strategies (controls) are monitored through AMSA’s internal audit program and management system, established regulatory scheme, ship inspection program, effective national network of aids to navigation and other navigational services and ongoing engagement with industry.

Risk tolerance statement:

We have low tolerance for regulatory approaches that are inconsistent with our mandated obligations under the AMSA Act 1990. We have low to moderate tolerance for risk in the pursuit of innovative regulatory approaches, for example alternative means of compliance—consistent with our Act and Statement of Regulatory Approach 2018. 

In very specific instances, we have moderate to high tolerance for the application of contemporary and potentially ground-breaking regulatory approaches (including research) that allow us to respond dynamically to changes in our operating environment.1

1 The overall risk rating is a combination of likelihood and consequence – see the risk matrix at the end of Strategic objective 9: Organisational capability and resilience.