This safety alert aims to raise awareness of the risks involved with the carriage of battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) on roll-on, roll-off (RORO) ferries.
AMSA has released its National Compliance Plan (NCP) for 2023-24, detailing the focus areas of its compliance activities over the next 12 months as the national safety regulator for domestic commer
This week, Minister Catherine King and Australia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, His Excellency Stephen Smith, welcomed the opportunity to discuss Australia’s environmental, s
2009-10 was an extraordinary year in the history of Australia’s National Plan. The response to the uncontrolled release of crude oil from the Montara Wellhead platform was the greatest challenge faced since the National Plan was established in 1973.
The 2011-12 financial year was another busy period for the National Plan, with two significant pollution incidents, in Christmas Island and New Zealand, as well as the completion of the National Plan/National Maritime Emergency Response Arrangements review.
These standards have been compiled against the requirements of the STCW code and convention for the use of Medical Inspectors appointed by a flag Authority who are assessing an individual’s fitness to work at sea.