There are a range of systems to assist you in navigating around the Australian coastline. These systems reduce the risk of collisions at sea, and track and report on movement of vessels nearby.
On Monday 10 July 1995, the Iron Baron chartered bulk carrier grounded on Hebe Reef at the approach to the Tamar River, northern Tasmania at 7.30 pm EST.
The purpose of this notice is to provide advice to ship owners and operators on regulations specific to the transfer of oil cargoes between oil tankers at sea.
If you are looking to purchase a vessel and would like to know the current ownership details or you need detailed information on a registered ship, a title extract will provide this information.
Report of the Incident Analysis team into the response by the National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and Other Noxious and hazardous Substances, to the Montara Wellhead Platform incident, March 2010.
This marine notice advises vessel owners, vessel operators, masters, officers, seafarer training organisations and industry organisations that AMSA does not consider electronic visual distress signals (EVDs) to be a suitable replacement for pyrotechnic distress signals.