Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Eight impact areas were developed from the Staff Focus Groups and AMSA Gender Survey run in 2021. These were used as impact areas in the initial development of our objectives and key results for the GEAP. These may be condensed in future iterations of the Plan to refine and streamline AMSA’s focus for action and impact.

Impact areaObjectives
1. Recruitment: Diverse panels and hire equitably

1.1 By December 2022, AMSA’s recruitment and selection processes are reviewed and changes enacted to enable equitable and team-complementary hiring

1.2 By December 2023, AMSA is an employer of choice to potential applicants and attracts a gender diverse applicant pool

2. Role/Job description and workforce design

2.1 By December 2022, AMSA has in place a process for regular review of job design to ensure an inclusive and contemporary workforce design

2.2 By December 2022, AMSA has involved external and independent views on job and workforce design to ensure removal of gender bias and gendered language

3. Promotion

3.1 By December 2023, staff are better able to see a career pathway for themselves at AMSA that caters to diverse needs, and attracts and retains the future workforce AMSA needs

3.2 By December 2023, AMSA has purposefully created opportunity for a broader and more gender diverse talent pool to come through, resulting in a diverse leadership cohort

4. Inclusive and flexible workplaces

4.1 By July 2023, flexibility is embedded in AMSA’s workplace culture so that staff have equitable access to flexible working arrangements that meet their diverse needs

4.2 By July 2023, inclusive and flexible working arrangements are embedded in AMSA’s Employee Value Proposition, allowing for attraction and retention of a diverse cohort

5. Strategic alignment and industry leadership

5.1 By July 2022, AMSA actively and regularly engages with industry on gender equality, with shared initiatives and sector wide collaboration

5.2 By July 2022, AMSA is viewed as leader, role model and source of information and expertise in gender equality

6. Leadership and gender equity accountability

6.1 By January 2023, Senior leaders and people managers champion and take explicit action to drive gender equality

6.2 By December 2023, AMSA and Senior leaders take accountability for building awareness and increasing engagement

7. Raising concerns: gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, bullying and domestic violence

7.1 By December 2022, there is a review and improvement of the reporting process for gender-based concerns raised, including data/statistics, analysis and visibility

7.2 By June 2023, all staff are aware of the support available for gender-based concerns and how to access these services

7.3 By December 2023, all staff feel safe and comfortable to report on and raise gender-based concerns

8. Investment in gender equity knowledge

8.1 By December 2022, there is no gender bias in any language used in AMSA, and staff are aware of how to avoid gender biased language and why it is important to do so

8.2 By December 2022, AMSA internal training and policies are reviewed and updated to support the Gender Equality Action Plan

8.3 By June 2023, there is an observable cultural change in how AMSA approaches gender equity