Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Where we are now..

Selection panel members are provided with recruitment and selection training that has a strong focus on unconscious bias. We are determined to build in safeguards against bias and develop a more robust recruitment capability that benefits our teams and organisation. Building this capability and process supports our opportunity to increase the public profile of AMSA and to attract a more diverse application pool.

While applicants for roles in 2022 comprise 34% females, applicants for Port Marine Surveyor and Search and Rescue Officer roles remain at 7% female. This indicates issues across the broader attraction, recruitment and selection process.

What are our objectives

ObjectivesKey results
1.1 By December 2022, AMSA’s recruitment and selection processes are reviewed and changes enacted to enable equitable and teamcomplementary hiring
  • By the end of 2022, new selection and recruitment policies and processes to identify the best candidates
  • Greater proportion of diverse and underrepresented gender cohorts hired as a result of greater representation in applicant pools
  • Balanced teams that reflect a diversity of skills, background and experiences, and increased teamwork and collaboration
1.2 By December 2023, AMSA is an employer of choice to all potential applicants and attracts a gender diverse applicant pool
  • Greater proportion of diverse and underrepresented gender cohorts in applicant pools
  • Higher engagement across the board by potential applicants and more applicants to select from
  • Increased employee job satisfaction

How we will deliver change

  • Review of selection process and opportunities identified to design out bias
  • Review of recruitment and attraction processes to ensure it is engaging to a diverse job market, particularly female applicants
  • More options as the default for offering roles as full-time, part-time or job share work
  • Bringing in an impartial member from another area if a recruitment panel will be gender heavy one way
  • Ensure diversity in how AMSA represents itself online, such as through its web images and social media content

Measurement 1

Improvement of gender composition at various levels of recruitment pools

Improvement of gender balance in selection panels

Measurement 2

Evidence that recruitment communications includes statement about AMSA’s commitment to gender equity, benefits and programs available to staff