DCV - FSC 2022 2023 When compared to 2022 DCV inspections Total DCV inspections 2,671 2,654 -0.6% (a decrease of 17) Total deficiencies 8,769 9,733 +11.0% (an increase of 964) Deficiencies Total detainable deficiencies 149 220 +47.7% (an increase of 71) Rate of deficiencies per inspection 3.28 3.67 +11.8% (an increase of 0.39) Detentions Total detentions 62 81 +30.6% (an increase of 19) Detentions as a % of total inspections 2.32% 3.05% +31.5% (an increase of 0.73% of inspections)
RAV - FSC 2022 2023 When compared to 2022 RAV - FSC inspection Total FSC inspections 95 106 +11.6 % (An increase of 11) Total deficiencies 264 416 +57.6% (an increase of 152) Deficiencies Total detainable deficiencies 4 5 +25% (an increase of 1) Rate of deficiencies per inspection 2.78 3.92 +41.0 % (an increase of 1.14) Detentions Total detentions 3 4 +33.3 % (an increase of 1) Detentions as a % of total inspections 3.16% 3.80% +20.3 % (an increase of 0.64%)
PSC 2022 2023 When compared to 2022 Arrivals Total arrivals 26,774 28,763 +7.43% (an increase of 1,989) Individual ships which made those arrivals 6,042 6,226 +3.05% (an increase of 184) Ships eligible for PSC inspection 5,884 6,066 +3.09% (an increase of 182) PSC inspections Total PSC inspections 2,405 2,797 +16.3% (an increase of 392) Total PSC inspections - by individual ships 2,167 2,477 +14.3% (an increase of 310) Inspection rate of eligible ships % 36.8% 40.8% +10.9% (an increase of 4%) Total deficiencies 6,216 7,491 +20.5% (an increase of 1,275) Deficiencies Total detainable deficiencies 220 263 +19.5% (an increase of 43) Rate of deficiencies per inspection 2.58 2.68 +3.88% (an increase of 0.1) Detentions Total detentions 145 176 +21.4% (an increase of 31) Detentions as a % of total inspections 6.0% 6.3 % +5.0% (an increase of 0.3% of inspections)
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