Overview of the proposed standard

Read the draft NSCV Part C—Design and construction, section 2—watertight and weathertight integrity. PDF1.8 MB

Chapter 1: preliminary

This chapter outlines the scope of the standard, contains the definitions and lists referenced external standards. 

Chapter 2: required outcomes

This chapter contains the outcomes that must be met to achieve compliance.

Chapters 3 – 6 contain the deemed-to-satisfy solutions for meeting the required outcomes

Chapter 3: class 1 and 2 vessels of a least 24 metres in load line length in offshore waters

This chapter contains the deemed to satisfy solutions for class 1 and 2 vessels ≥24 metres load line length. Under the proposed NSCV C2, the International Convention of Load Lines (ICLL) applies to these vessels. 

Chapter 4: class 1, 2 and 3 vessels less than 24 metres in measured length 

Contains the deemed to satisfy solutions for the vast majority of the domestic commercial fleet. Increased options for smaller (<12 metre) vessels have been included to cater for the diverse range of vessels and operations.

Chapter 5: class 1 and 2 vessels of at least 24 metres in load line length in sheltered waters

This chapter contains the deemed to satisfy solutions for larger Class 1 and 2 vessels in sheltered waters. A modified ICLL applies to these vessels under the proposed NSCV C2, to reflect the reduced risk of sheltered water operations.  

Chapter 6: class 3 vessels at least 24 metres in measured length

This chapter contains the deemed to satisfy solutions for fishing vessels ≥24 meters in measured length.

Chapter 7: assessment, installation and testing of watertight and weathertight closing appliances and equipment

This chapter contains the requirements for the assessment, installation and testing of watertight and weathertight closing appliances and equipment.

Annex A, freeboard and load line mark

This chapter contains the details of the freeboard and load line marks required for some vessels ≥7.5 metres.
