2024 monthly domestic commercial vessel incident reports

The information you provide in your incident report plays an important part in guiding the way we improve maritime safety for everybody on the water.

By reporting marine incidents to us, you are also meeting your reporting obligations under Australian laws.

July 2024

There were 87 reported incidents involving domestic commercial vessels in July 2024. Of these, 17 were serious, and 2 were very serious.

Very serious and serious incidents containing sensitive information or information that may identify individual persons or vessels have not been included below.   

NSWClass 2Unattended vessel’s mooring broke and became stuck under wharf. Wharf infrastructure and vessel were damaged.
NTClass 3Crew member sustained sea snake bite during fishing operations and required medevac by helicopter.
QLDClass 1Engine shutdown whilst vessel underway due to exhaust filling engine room. Vessel required tow to shore.
QLDClass 1Crew member fell overboard without a lifejacket due to medical episode. Crew member was retrieved with minor injuries and taken to hospital for treatment.
QLDClass 1Vessel disabled and fuel vapour caught fire in engine room during investigation. Fire extinguished onboard with no injuries reported.
QLDClass 1Passenger found unresponsive whilst snorkelling. First aid attempted unsuccessfully and passenger was declared deceased.
QLDClass 1Passenger sustained broken ribs injury following fall from bunk. Passenger treated on board and taken to hospital for assessment.
QLDClass 1Passenger jumped overboard without a lifejacket. Passenger was seen exiting the water at shore.
QLDClass 1Passenger jumped overboard without a lifejacket. Passenger was recovered without injury and was returned to shore.
QLDClass 1Vessel collided with nearby yacht during berthing when steering ram snapped and disabled the vessel.
QLDClass 1Vessel disabled during voyage following grounding on sandbank and snapped outboard mount. Vessel was anchored until salvage. No injuries reported.
QLDClass 22 passengers fell overboard when vessel encountered rough water conditions. It is unknown if the passengers were wearing lifejackets at the time. The passengers were retrieved and treated for injuries.
QLDClass 3Vessel disabled following broken gear selector whilst underway. Vessel required tow back to shore.
QLDClass 3Vessel grounded whilst underway and sustained hull damage. Vessel managed water ingress and returned to shore.
VICClass 1Vessel disabled following starboard motor malfunction whilst underway. Secondary vessel assisted with passenger transfer and towed back to shore.
WAClass 2Unpowered barge grounded when tow line snapped in rough weather conditions whilst under tow. Barge was later salvaged.
WAClass 2Main engine on tender vessel ignited and crew member sustained minor burn injuries. Fire was extinguished by emergency services.
June 2024

There were 60 reported incidents involving domestic commercial vessels in June 2024. Of these, 7 were serious.

Very serious and serious incidents containing sensitive information or information that may identify individual persons or vessels have not been included below.   

NSWClass 2Crew member fell overboard wearing a lifejacket during training exercise. Crew member was recovered without injury.
NSWClass 2Crew member fell overboard when the vessel's motor lost power during incident response operations. It is unknown if the crew member was wearing a lifejacket. The crew member was retrieved without injury.
QLDClass 1Passenger fell overboard without a lifejacket during charter. Passenger was recovered without injury.
QLDClass 1Crew member fell overboard wearing a lifejacket during vessel maintenance. Crew member was able to exit water without assistance.
VICClass 3Vessel disabled following electrical corrosion. Vessel was towed to shore by water police for repairs.
May 2024

There were 75 reported incidents involving domestic commercial vessels in May 2024. Of these, 21 were serious.

Very serious and serious incidents containing sensitive information or information that may identify individual persons or vessels have not been included below.

NSWClass 1Crew member fell overboard without a lifejacket during boarding. Crew member was retrieved and required first aid.
NSWClass 1Passenger sustained ankle injury during voyage and required medevac by ambulance.
NSWClass 2Fire onboard following a technical fault in engine room fans during berth assist. Fire was extinguished and engine room sustained minor damage.
QLDClass 2Crew member fell overboard and suffered injuries during jet ski operations. It is unknown if the crew member was wearing a lifejacket. The crew member sought medical treatment after the incident.
QLDClass 1Crew member suffered injury during vessel cleaning. Crew member was taken to hospital for medical treatment.
QLDClass 1Vessel sustained water ingress in the engine room following air vent deterioration. Passengers were transferred to another vessel to complete their voyage. The vessel returned to port without further issue.
QLDClass 2Crew member fell overboard during berth assist. It is unknown if the crew member was wearing a lifejacket. The crew member was retrieved without injury.
QLDClass 2Vessel lost all propulsion and steering. Vessel was disabled and towed to shore by nearby vessel.
QLDClass 2Three crew members were injured when vessel’s onboard storage space exploded after refuelling. All 3 crew members were taken to hospital for varying injuries and burns.
QLDClass 2Vessel was disabled following multiple technical faults during voyage. Vessel required tow back to shore. No injuries or damage reported.
QLDClass 3Vessel disabled following steering pump failure. The vessel required assistance to return to shore.
SAClass 2Vessel engine room suffered fire during refurbishment operations. Engine room was evacuated, and fire was extinguished.
VICClass 1Vessel disabled following steering gear failure whilst anchored. The vessel required assistance to return to shore.
VICClass 1Vessel experienced steering failure while underway. The vessel required tow to return to jetty and was able to use emergency steering for part of the return voyage.
VICClass 1Crew member sustained leg injury from fall during pre-start duties. Crew member was medevac by ambulance.
WAClass 1Seaplane collided with vessel during high wind weather event. Vessel sustained damage at point of contact.
WAClass 1Passenger sustained injury from propellor during diving activity. First aid was provided on board and passenger was returned to shore for further medical treatment.
WAClass 2Vessel experienced flooding at dock following contact with unknown submerged object. The vessel was retrieved via crane and taken for inspection. No pollution was reported.
WAClass 2Three crew members fell overboard during towing operations. All crew were recovered without injury.
April 2024

There were 95 reported incidents involving domestic commercial vessels in April 2024. Of these, 22 were serious.

Very serious and serious incidents containing sensitive information or information that may identify individual persons or vessels have not been included below.   

StateVessel TypeIncident
NSWClass 1 - PassengerPassenger jumped overboard without a lifejacket and swam to shore without assistance. No injuries reported.
NSWClass 2 - Non-PassengerVessel ran out of fuel and grounded on rocks. The vessel sustained damage.
QLDClass 2 - Non-PassengerPassenger sustained injury during bar crossing operations. They were taken hospital for treatment.
QLDClass 2 - Non-PassengerVessel collided with another boat during night operations. Damage sustained by both vessels. No injuries reported.
QLDClass 2 - Non-PassengerThe vessel door failed to close during loading. Passengers were transferred and vessel returned to port.
QLDClass 2 - Non-PassengerVessel grounded during medevac transfer. Passenger was transferred to another vessel and grounded vessel towed back to marina.
QLDClass 2 - Non-PassengerCrew member fell overboard during cargo loading. Crew member was wearing a lifejacket and retrieved without injury.
QLDClass 2 - Non-PassengerCrew member sustained injuries during a rescue operation. Crew member required medevac by ambulance.
QLDClass 3 - Fishing (commercial)Crew member sustained a serious injury while retrieving fishing nets. Crew member required medevac by launch for further treatment.
QLDClass 3 - Fishing (commercial)Crew member injured their ankle when the vessel pitched. Crew member was transferred to another vessel and taken to hospital by ambulance.
QLDClass 3 - Fishing (commercial)Vessel grounded while underway. 1 crew member sustained head injury and required medevac by ambulance.
QLDClass 3 - Fishing (commercial)Crew member fell overboard without a lifejacket when moving from the boom to deck. Crew member was retrieved without injury.
QLDClass 4 - Hire 'N' DriveVessel delaminated and took on water during safety drills. Vessel was towed back to shore for repairs.
QLDClass 4 - Hire 'N' DrivePassenger fell overboard and sustained injury to leg from vessel propellor. It is unknown if the passenger was wearing a lifejacket. The passenger was taken to hospital for treatment.
QLDClass 4 - Hire 'N' Drive1 crew member and 2 passengers fell overboard when a jet ski collided with another. It is unknown if any of the persons were wearing lifejackets. The 2 passengers were required medevac by ambulance.
QLDClass 4 - Hire 'N' DrivePassenger fell overboard wearing a lifejacket during jet ski operations. The passenger sustained a back injury and required medevac by launch.
VICClass 2 - Non-PassengerCrew member fell overboard during mooring operations. Crew member was wearing a lifejacket and retrieved without injury.
VICClass 3 - Fishing (commercial)Vessel made contact with submerged object and was unable to continue. Vessel was towed back to marina.
VICClass 4 - Hire 'N' DriveVessel sustained machinery failure while underway. Vessel was towed back to marina.
VICClass 4 - Hire 'N' DriveVessel caught in a tide and swept into water channel while underway. The vessel required assistance and was towed to safety. 
WAClass 2 - Non-PassengerVessel made contact with submerged rock during rescue operations. Vessel was able to continue with rescue. The vessel sustained damage.
WAClass 2 - Non-PassengerVessel capsized during berthing assistance. 2 crew members went overboard without lifejackets and were retrieved without injury.
March 2024

There were 105 reported incidents involving domestic commercial vessels in March 2024. Of these, 23 were serious and one was very serious.  

Very serious and serious incidents containing sensitive information or information that may identify individual persons or vessels have not been included below.  

StateVessel typeIncident


Class 1 

Vessel struck a submerged object while underway. The rudder sustained damage. Vessel required tow back to berth. 


Class 1 

Passenger fell overboard when disembarking vessel. Passenger was not wearing a lifejacket. Passenger was retrieved and required medevac via ambulance. 


Class 1 

Vessel engine stalled and made contact with seawall while berthing. Vessel sustained damage, and one passenger required first aid.  


Class 2 

Crew member sustained rope burns during mooring operations in high wind conditions. Crew member required medevac by ambulance. 


Class 1 

Vessel was found flooding at berth. Attempts to stop water ingress were successful. Vessel sustained some damage. No pollution reported. 


Class 1 

Passenger fell overboard between the vessel and wharf while exiting the vessel. The passenger was not wearing a lifejacket and exited water without assistance. Passenger suffered minor injuries.  


Class 1 

Vessel sunk at mooring due to compromised hull integrity. Vessel retrieved and will be repaired. No pollution or injuries reported.  


Class 1 

Crew member sustained hand injury from the outboard motor during mooring. Crew member was taken to hospital for medical treatment. 


Class 1 

Passenger jumped overboard and swam to shore without assistance. It is unknown if the passenger was wearing a lifejacket. No injuries reported. 


Class 1 

Passenger sustained head injury on a jet boat ride. First aid was provided onboard. The passenger required medevac by ambulance. 


Class 1 

Passenger jumped overboard and was retrieved by the vessel. It is unknown if the passenger was wearing a lifejacket. No injuries were reported.  


Class 3 

Vessel was reported sunk at berth. No persons on board at the time of incident and no pollution reported.  


Class 4 

Passenger jumped overboard without a lifejacket and landed in shallow waters. The passenger sustained a spinal injury and required medevac by ambulance.  


Class 4 

Two passengers on jet ski made contact with a lateral marker and fell overboard. Both passengers sustained injuries. One passenger required medevac by ambulance.  


Class 2 

Vessel made contact with an underwater object while underway. The vessel pivoted and sustained rapid water ingress before sinking. One crew and two passengers went overboard and swam to shore. All persons were wearing lifejackets and reported no injuries. 


Class 3 

Vessel experienced flooding and the adjoining vessel rafted to it sank at its mooring. The weight of the adjoining vessel resulted in further water ingress via the stern.  


Class 3 

Vessel made contact with marina during berthing. Three crew members were injured with one sustaining serious jaw injuries and were taken to hospital for treatment. 


Class 1 

Crew member sustained back injury during cargo loading operations. The crew member required medevac and taken to hospital for treatment. 


Class 2 

Vessel made contact with the wharf during berthing and a crew member fell overboard. The crew member was wearing a lifejacket at the time. The vessel sustained minor hull damage. 


Class 3 

Crew member sustained serious hand injury during unberthing. The crew member was taken to hospital for treatment.   

February 2024

There were 111 reported incidents involving domestic commercial vessels in February 2024. Of these, 28 were serious.    

Very serious and serious incidents containing sensitive information or information that may identify individual persons or vessels have not been included below.   

StateVessel typeIncident
NSWClass 1Master fell overboard without a life jacket. The vessel collided with a nearby vessel and wharf. Minor damage to the other vessel.
NSWClass 1Vessel's control head failed while unberthing. Vessel lost all propulsion and resorted to back up controls. Vessel was re-berthed and taken out of service until cause of failure could be identified. No injuries or damage to vessel.
NSWClass 2Volunteer marine rescue (VMR) vessel was towing a disabled vessel when the cleats and surrounding timber broke free hit nearby crew member. Crew member sustained lacerations and bruising to face and required medevac by ambulance.
NSWClass 2Vessel drifted towards a docked vessel following engine failure.  The docked vessel sustained paint damage.
NSWClass 2Vessel encountered large waves and briefly became airborne while conducting bar crossing training. 3 crew on board sustained injuries, with one requiring surgery for a broken foot.
NSWClass 4Three jet ski passengers wearing lifejackets were thrown off the jet ski following wave from nearby vessels. The jet ski contacted nearby bridge and sustained damage.
NSWClass 4Vessel grounded and the passengers were assisted by company support vessel. Propellor sustained damage and was replaced the same day. No injuries reported. 
NTClass 3Main engine stopped working following fuel pump failure. Vessel towed back to the port by nearby vessel. The fuel pump was later replaced.
QLDClass 1Passenger was found unresponsive in water while snorkelling. CPR was provided on board before medevac by ambulance.
QLDClass 1Vessel collided with a berthed vessel during unberthing. The vessel sustained water ingress and hull damage. No reports of damage to berthed vessel. 
QLDClass 1Vessel's anchor dragged and collided with a nearby moored vessel. The moored vessel sustained extensive damage.
QLDClass 1Crew member slipped and fell in the water in-between the boat and jetty. Crew member was wearing lifejacket and was recovered without injury.
QLDClass 1Lookout left the helm and vessel grounded. Vessel ungrounded without assistance, resulting in close quarters with nearby snorkellers. The vessel then drifted onto nearby rock wall where it remains.
QLDClass 1Two passengers jumped overboard without lifejackets during cruise operations. The vessel remained alongside the passengers in the water, who refused assistance. No injuries were reported.
QLDClass 1Vessel contacted the ferry terminal during berthing. Crew member sustained significant bruising and master sustained minor laceration. The crew member was taken to hospital for further treatment. No passenger injuries or other damage reported.
QLDClass 2The vessel’s bow swung out rapidly and vessel made contact with nearby wharf structure during towage operations. Unable to regain control, the vessel swung back and contacted a timber pile on wharf. No injuries reported.
QLDClass 2Vessel's shaft coupling gearbox became loose during charter operations, disabling the vessel. Vessel was unable to be repaired at sea and was towed back to marina. No injuries or further damage reported.
QLDClass 2During training operations, the master slipped near the helm and grabbed steering wheel. The vessel turned into current near a barrage and a passenger went overboard wearing a lifejacket. Another passenger fell and hit the seats. The passenger overboard was recovered, and both were taken to hospital via ambulance.
QLDClass 2Crew member sustained finger crush injury during berthing operations. Crew member taken to hospital via private vehicle.
QLDClass 2Crew member slipped on deck and sustained injury to their left knee while releasing the bowline during unberthing. The crew member was taken to hospital to receive further treatment.
QLDClass 2Crew member fell overboard wearing no lifejacket during unberthing operations. Crew member was recovered without injury.
QLDClass 2During towing operations, vessel collided with the vessel under towage. The bollard broke off the deck of towed vessel. No injuries reported.
QLDClass 2Vessel lost steering following transom shield failure. Vessel was towed back to base. No damages or injuries reported.
QLDClass 3Heavy loaded cargo came loose from its strapping and vessel capsized. All 4 crew went overboard wearing lifejackets. All crew were retrieved without injury, and the vessel and equipment secured and towed back to shore. 
QLDClass 4Two passengers jumped overboard while the vessel was underway. Neither passenger was wearing a lifejacket, and both were recovered by a passing vessel. 
SAClass 4Generator blew up while contractor was conducting repairs. Contractor received serious burns to body and face. The contractor was medevac by ambulance to nearest hospital for burns treatment. 
TASClass 2Vessel rolled in large wind swell and passenger went overboard. Passenger was wearing a lifejacket and received with no injuries.
WAClass 2Winch recovery wire snatched during towage and winch handles contacted crew member’s foot. Crew member sustained serious injury and was medevac by launch.
January 2024

There were 111 reported incidents involving domestic commercial vessels in January 2024. Of these, 21 were serious and 1 very serious.   

Very serious and serious incidents containing sensitive information or information that may identify individual persons or vessels have not been included below.

StateVessel typeIncident
NSWClass 1Passenger jumped overboard while the vessel was alongside. Passenger was not wearing a lifejacket and recovered without injury.  
NSWClass 1Lagging caught alight in engine room while underway. Vessel disabled and required tow to return.
NSWClass 1Crew member sustained foot crush injury while securing vessel to wharf. Crew member required medevac via ambulance.
NSWClass 1Vessel breeched hull and experienced water ingress while underway. Vessel manoeuvred to wharf and disembarked passengers. No pollution reported.
NSWClass 1Passenger sustained spinal fracture while the vessel was going over swell. Passenger required medical attention at hospital.
NSWClass 2Vessel collided with a submerged object and sustained significant hull damage. Vessel experienced water ingress. No pollution or injuries reported.
NSWClass 2Vessel swamped from the wash of a passing vessel. Large quantity of equipment destroyed.
NSWClass 2Vessel experienced blackout following suspected electrical fault. Vessel anchored and monitored by emergency response vessel. No injury or environmental consequences.
NSWClass 3Vessel experienced blackout following genset failure. No damage or injuries sustained.
NSWClass 4Vessel collided with a houseboat while anchoring. Hirer sustained arm injury and required medevac via ambulance.
NTClass 1Vessel disabled following an electrical failure. Vessel required assistance to return to dock. No injuries or damage reported.
NTClass 3Vessel collided with submerged object while underway. Vessel sustained significant damage and water ingress. Crew evacuated vessel and required rescue.
QLDClass 2Vessel main engine shut down following flash fire during towing operation. Fire extinguished by handheld unit. No further damage reported.
QLDClass 2Vessel experienced main engine failure while underway. Vessel disabled and adrift. Engine repaired and returned to port.
QLDClass 3Vessel sustained extensive damage during recent cyclone. Vessel to be decommissioned.
QLDClass 3Vessel disabled following a small electrical fire while fishing. Vessel required assistance to return to marina.
QLDClass 4Two jet skis collided head on. Three passengers sustained injuries and required assessment via ambulance.
SAClass 1Vessel anchor line snapped and drifted during rough weather. Vessel grounded and the crew evacuated. Recovered with minor injury.
VICClass 2Vessel made contact while towing a yacht and caught crew member’s arm. Crew member required medevac via ambulance.
VICClass 3Vessel collided with multiple vessels while berthing. Hull sustained damage and minor damage to neighbouring vessels.
WAClass 2Water ingress following vessel contact with a submerged rock. Crew were able to pump out the water and return to Marina.
WAClass 2Vessel experienced main engine failure during towage. Vessel required assistance to return to mooring.
Last updated: 21 August 2024