3. Risks | Describe the risks of modern slavery practices in the operations and supply chains of the reporting entity and any entities it owns or controls | ||||||||||||||||||
| AMSA utilises the Department of Home Affairs ‘Cause, Contribute and Linked Model’ (CCL Model) to limit the risk of modern slavery in our supply chains. Using this model assists AMSA understanding and focus on those items we directly control or contribute to as opposed to those items where we have less control. Risks of Modern Slavery Practices in AMSA OverviewAMSA’s operations and supply chains cross many industries and sectors from call centre labour hire to search and rescue operations, stationary to construction of AtoNs. These industries and sectors have complex multi-tiered downstream supply chains that span various industries and countries. AMSA has conducted a risk assessment on major contracts and supply chains. This assessment is based on the following risk matrix: AMSA Risk Assessment
It is unlikely that AMSA’s current known and immediate supply chain has risks which meet the threshold for serious exploitation as defined by the Act. Appendix 1 describes a list of modern slavery indicators which can be used to identify the risks of our major suppliers. They included considering the indicators in the following manners:
The result of assessing the indicators and applying the CCL model is an internal risk and control table which AMSA will update as it improves its awareness and understanding of the risk of modern slavery. AMSA acknowledges that: