AMSA Levies, Payments and some forms will be offline on 23 January 2025 for 10 minutes between 9:00 am and 10:00 am and on 30 January 2025 for 10 minutes between 9:00 am and 10:00 am due to maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Every year we undertake a range of planned and responsive activities to keep people safe and to protect the marine environment. Compliance activities during the past year were conducted in accordance with the 2021-22 national compliance plan and focused on higher risk areas and informed by safety data. 

A summary of our business-as-usual compliance activities can be found in the:

  • Annual Port State control report
  • Maritime Labour Convention Annual Report
  • Marine Incidents Annual Reports for Domestic Commercial Vessels

Our performance against the focus areas identified in the 2021-22 annual compliance plan are detailed below.

2021 - 2022 focus area measured3 performance


Met Target/On Track ✓✓Within Threshold ✓Outside Threshold 


Desired outcomePerformance measure2021/22 Results
Port and flag state measured performance
Continue with target inspection rates based on vessel priority rating. *Priority GroupTarget Inspection RateAchieved Inspection Rate
Priority 180% 84.0% ✓✓
Priority 260% 63.4% ✓✓
Priority 340% 44.5% ✓✓
Priority 420% 30.6% ✓✓
Develop and publish maritime safety bulletin on navigational safetyQuarter 1Published on 22 September 2021
Maritime Safety Awareness bulletin issue 14 –
Navigation safety (
Conduct navigational safety campaignQuarter 1
200 inspections
Navigational Safety FIC conducted over period 1 August - 8 September 2021.
AMSA inspected 266 vessels and detained 7 vessels as a direct result of this FIC.  ✓✓
Conduct planned maintenance focused inspection campaign (FIC)200 inspections
Quarter 3
A Planned maintenance FIC was conducted from 15 January to 28 February. AMSA undertook 271 inspections during this period, with seven ships being detained due to the FIC.  ✓✓
Publish planned maintenance campaign resultsQuarter 4

The draft report is currently being finalised for submission to the Executive, prior to publishing on the AMSA website. ✓

Flag State Inspections120821
Maritime Labour Convention measured performance
100% of MLC complaints are followed upOngoing

100% of complaints are followed up

100% of Maritime Labour Convention complaints were followed up. ✓✓

66 complaints were received and investigated in relation to MN04/2020. ✓✓

Maximum continuous shipboard service on vessels visiting Australia is less than 11 months<5% of all vessels inspected have a crewmember serving longer than 11 monthsTarget met. 2.62% of vessels inspected had crewmembers serving longer than 11 months.   ✓✓
Publish results of maximum continuous service inspectionsQuarter 4These results are published on the AMSA website up until December 2021.  Once complaints reverted to pre-COVID levels it was decided that publication of this data will cease beyond December 2021.
AMSA will conduct a focused inspection campaign (FIC) on the hours of work and hours of rest in accordance with the MLCQuarter 4

200 inspections
Hours of work and rest FIC conducted between 1 May and 17 June 2022.
AMSA undertook 282 FICs during this period. The data is still currently being analysed.  ✓✓
Domestic commercial vessels measured performance
Continue to target inspection rates based on vessel priority rating*Conduct 2600 vessel inspections2299 Inspections conducted2
Priority GroupTarget Number of InspectionsAchieved Number of Inspections
Priority 1179412863
Priority 2295473 ✓✓
Priority 3339347 ✓
Priority 4172193 ✓✓
Conduct at sea inspection campaigns with our compliance partners*60 days at sea with our compliance partners76 days ✓✓
Six educational campaigns focusing on risk assessment (general), risk assessment of construction barges, smaller passenger carrying operators, fatigue and incident reportingQuarter 3
Education campaign focusing on risk assessment for DCV’s
This campaign was combined into the education campaigns for construction barges and passenger safety with a focus on risk assessment
Quarter 4
Education campaign focusing on risk assessment of construction barges
Campaign website developed and accessed by over 4,000 users ✓✓
Social media campaign commenced March 2022 with nearly 160k total impressions. ✓✓
5 workshops held nationally with over 130 industry attendees. ✓✓
Webinar and other resources created and available on campaign website ✓✓
Quarter 4
Education campaign focusing on smaller passenger carrying operators
Campaign completed May 2022. Workshops conducted in Queensland, NSW and Western Australia focussing on fleet concentration areas in tourist seasons. ✓✓
Quarter 4
Education campaign focusing on improving incident reporting culture

Campaign commenced in May 2022. Campaign website developed and accessed by over 2400 users. ✓✓

Social media campaign commenced in June 2022 with over 162k total impressions. ✓✓

Over 250 “Don’t ignore it, report it” stickers have been distributed to industry. ✓✓

Quarter 4
Fatigue education campaign
Campaign content on AMSA website with over 1900 visits ✓✓
Social media campaign June 2022 with over 123k total impressions ✓✓
A minimum of three focussed inspection campaigns will also be conducted following delivery of the above education safety campaignsDCV Safety Management Systems focused inspection campaignThis was included in the focused inspections for passenger vessels and construction barges
Quarter 4
Construction barges joint focused inspection campaign
100 inspections
Construction barge FIC conducted between 1 May and 30 June 2022. AMSA undertook 128 FICs during this period. The data is still currently being analysed.
Quarter 3
Passenger safety inspection campaign
200 inspections
186 Inspections completed ✓✓
Quarter 1 and 2
Inspection campaign on fishing dories in Queensland
60 inspections
67 inspections completed. ✓✓
Audit campaign on AMSA accredited surveyors
>20% of AMSA accredited surveyors
Completed Quarter 2 ✓✓
Target met and work continues risk-based auditing. ✓✓
Search and rescue measured performance
Educational campaign on beacon registrations for all stakeholdersA decrease in the number of unregistered and incorrectly registered beaconsThere has been a decrease of 3% in the number of unregistered beacons. The target for incorrectly registered beacons was not met.
AMSA will continue to educate industry on the importance of correctly registering beacons.
Environmental measured performance
Domestic vessel EIAPP compliance auditQuarter 3The Domestic vessel EIAPP compliance audit was conducted in June as part of a MARPOL Education Campaign, and AMSA had 2 results.
Conduct a random sampling program of ship fuel to validate accuracy of the bunker delivery noteQuarter 3A random sampling was conducted, and AMSA is awaiting the final report to be produced by the testing establishment
Cargo securing focus for container vessels200 inspections235 initial cargo securing inspections were conducted.

*Performance Measure is based on 2021 data



1 Due to COVID-19 policy AMSA was unable to travel overseas to conduct inspections of RAV’s overseas. Further to this there were increased numbers of RAV’s transitioning to DCV’s.

2 The target number of inspections were not obtained due to extended lockdowns in New South Wales and Victoria in the first 2 quarters of the financial year.

3 The number of high priority vessels were not obtained, mainly because of the COVID-19 lockdowns, but in addition the target number was taken as a percentage of the number of vessels in the priority 1 group. A significant number of these vessels were found to be inactive when inspection bookings were made.