Fatality Type | Definition |
Operational | Fatality that occurred in relation to the operation of the vessel. |
Illness/disease | Any death of a seafarer on a vessel resulting from any illness or disease that is not the result of an occupational injury. Includes deaths from natural causes where the death is a natural progression from disease15. |
Person Overboard (Presumed Deceased) | Any loss of a seafarer resulting from unintentional departure from the vessel into the water where the seafarer’s body is not recovered. |
Suicide | Any death of a seafarer on a vessel where the death resulted from a self-inflicted injury16. |
Other | Any death of a seafarer on a vessel that is not associated with an operational, illness or disease, suicide, or person overboard. This includes any death of a seafarer on a vessel where the death is as a result of drugs or alcohol, an act of violence, or where the events leading to the death remain unexplained. |
15 Refer to the ILO list of occupational diseases (revised 2010), available at: http://www.ilo.org/safework/info/publications/WCMS_125137/lang--en/index.htm
16 Use of term injury rather than harm as this is consistent with ILO definition of occupational injury (which includes fatal injuries).