Learn about terms and acronyms.
AIS – automatic identification system - a vessel tracking system that uses ship-side equipment to transmit and receive information like the ship’s position, heading, speed or other voyage related information
AtoN – aids to navigation
ECDIS – electronic chart display and information system
ENC – electronic navigational chart
FAL – The FAL (facilitation) committee is an IMO committee that works on the facilitation of international maritime traffic. The FAL Convention is an IMO convention with the aim of avoiding unnecessary delays in maritime transport, promoting cooperation between governments and harmonizing formalities and other procedures.
GNSS-constellation – global navigation satellite system constellation (such as GPS, GLONASS or Galileo)
LTE (standard) – long term evolution is a mobile communication standard, also known as 4G
LTE maritime (project) – maritime is a research project to extend the LTE to specific applications in the maritime environment
MASS – maritime autonomous surface ship
MCP – The maritime connectivity platform is a next-generation digital communications platform
MRN – The maritime resource name is a standard used to uniquely identify maritime resources. This includes maritime services, vessels, user identities and other entities (e.g., virtual AtoNs).
MSI – maritime safety information
NAVAREA – A NAVAREA is a geographical area that defines the responsibilities for the distribution of navigational warnings to ships. AMSA is responsible for NAVAREA X.
NAVTEX – navigational text messages is a service used to provide maritime safety information
PNT – position navigation timing
S-421 – a route exchange format developed by IEC and is based on the S-100 standard
SAR – search and rescue
SBAS – A satellite-based augmentation system is a satellite system that can increase positioning accuracy in GNSS
SOLAS – The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea is an IMO convention that establishes minimal safety requirements for commercial ship design functionality and equipment.
UKCM – under keel clearance management
VDE – VHF data exchange
VDES – VHF data exchange system
VTS – vessel traffic service
Worldwide AIS 2.0 demo – The worldwide AIS 2.0 demo is an initiative coordinated by the Danish company Sternula. It will demonstrate the capabilities of VDES and involves many maritime authorities in parallel projects during 2023 and 2024.