Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

2.1 Strategic priorities

The following part outlines our strategic priorities, the initiatives that contribute to those priorities, related enterprise risks, and non-financial performance measures.

Strategic priority 1: Risk-based regulation

2023-24 initiativesAMSA Strategy 2030Regulator Performance Principle

1.1 Continue to work in parallel with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts on the Independent Review of Australia’s Domestic Commercial Vessel (DCV) Safety Legislation and Costs and Charges. AMSA will position itself to respond to the Government’s response to the Independent Review recommendations by:

  • developing a regulatory work program to address the Government’s response and 
  • enhancing AMSA’s financial model by implementing a robust bottom-up activity-based costing methodology to allow for determination of cost efficiencies and benchmarking
SO 1, 2 & 31, 2, 3
1.2 Develop and implement policy, specific requirements, and guidance in relation to navigation safety matters to assist proponents of Offshore Renewable Energy Installations (OREIs)SO 3
SE 4
2, 3
1.3 Lead Australia’s participation in the worldwide trial of the Very High Frequency (VHF) Data Exchange Service (VDES) to test the feasibility of exchanging new digital maritime services over VHF terrestrial and satellite radio channelsSO 2 & #
SE 2 & 4
1, 2, 3
2024-27 initiativesAMSA Strategy 2030Regulator Performance Principle
O1.1 Research and develop policy and regulations to respond to emerging technologies to ensure appropriate safety and environmental standards are maintained.SO 1, 2 & 3
SE 4
1, 2


Primary Enterprise riskResidual Risk:
Moderate (Note 1)
Key mitigation strategies
AMSA is an ineffective regulator

Risk Appetite & Tolerance (Note 2)

Regulatory approach

Gradient arrow with a bar spanning from red to green

AMSA has a regulatory plan, policies and an annual compliance program.

Key mitigation strategies (controls) are monitored through AMSA’s internal audit program and integrated management system, established regulatory scheme, ship inspection program, effective national network of aids to navigation and other navigational services and ongoing engagement with industry.

Risk tolerance statement:

We have low tolerance for regulatory approaches that are inconsistent with our mandated obligations under the AMSA Act 1990. We have low to moderate tolerance for risk in the pursuit of innovative regulatory approaches, for example alternative means of compliance—consistent with our Act and Statement of Regulatory Approach 2022. 

In very specific instances, we have moderate to high tolerance for the application of contemporary and potentially ground-breaking regulatory approaches (including research) that allow us to respond dynamically to changes in our operating environment.

Note 1 The overall risk rating is a combination of likelihood and consequence – see the risk matrix at the end of this section 

Note 2 The risk appetite and tolerance range is indicated by the width and placement of the bar within the coloured arrow. The red end of the arrow indicates a low appetite and tolerance, and the green end of the arrow is high.

Strategic priority 2: Incident management capabilities

2023-24 initiatives

AMSA Strategy 2030

Regulator Performance Principle

2.1 Conduct a review of the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies in collaboration with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication, and the Arts to improve incident response capability across Australia.

SO 1, 2 & 3

2, 3


Primary Enterprise risk

Residual Risk:


Key mitigation strategies

AMSA does not respond effectively to significant incidents resulting in avoidable loss of life, environmental damage or harm to the community, critical infrastructure and socio-economic resources.

Risk Appetite & Tolerance

Search and rescue


Key mitigation strategies include National Response Capability Statement and National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies, real time maritime and aircraft positional information system for identifying assets for emergency response purposes, mature incident management arrangements, maritime safety and distress communication services and 24/7 operation of response centre.

Risk tolerance statement:

We have low tolerance for practices which jeopardise the outcomes of our search and rescue operations – saving lives. We have low tolerance for risks associated with the conduct of search and rescue operations by our contracted panel providers, recognising that the nature of those operations pose an inherent risk to our contractors, their staff and the public. We prioritise training and awareness for our search and rescue staff, contractors, and stakeholders to minimise this risk.

We have low to moderate tolerance for providers we use on a non-panel tasking basis. Non-panel tasking carries increased risk as the assets have not been specifically assessed prior for suitability for search and rescue. However, this risk is balanced against the potential loss of life if the resources were not deployed – and we have several specific controls in place to minimise the risk.

 Strategic priority 3: Environment protection

2023-24 initiatives

AMSA Strategy 2030

Regulator Performance Principle

3.1 Contribute to the revision of the IMO Greenhouse Gas Strategy for shipping, including new levels of ambition for emission reduction, and to the development of mid- and long-term technical measures to help meet these ambitions.

SO 3


3.2 Influence planned IMO regulations that will require fishing gear to be marked and for operators to report gear lost or discharged into the sea.

SO 3


3.3 Establish a nationally consistent framework to enable ships to discharge clean segregated recyclable materials at Australian ports to divert this waste from landfill

SO 3


2024-27 initiatives

AMSA Strategy 2030

Regulator Performance Principle

O3.1 Develop and implement measures identified in the IMO Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships.

SO 3


O3.2 Undertake a full review of the North-East Shipping Management Plan to ensure the plan is fit for purpose in relation to current and forecast shipping activity, including technologies and an assessment of present and future risks and mitigation measures.

SO 3

2, 3


Primary Enterprise risk

Residual Risk:


Key mitigation strategies

AMSA does not respond effectively to significant incidents resulting in avoidable loss of life, environmental damage or harm to the community, critical infrastructure and socio-economic resources.

Risk Appetite & Tolerance

Search and rescue


Key mitigation strategies include National Response Capability Statement and National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies, real time maritime and aircraft positional information system for identifying assets for emergency response purposes, mature incident management arrangements, maritime safety and distress communication services and 24/7 operation of response centre.

Risk tolerance statement:

We have low tolerance for practices which jeopardise the outcomes of our search and rescue operations – saving lives. We have low tolerance for risks associated with the conduct of search and rescue operations by our contracted panel providers, recognising that the nature of those operations pose an inherent risk to our contractors, their staff and the public. We prioritise training and awareness for our search and rescue staff, contractors, and stakeholders to minimise this risk.

We have low to moderate tolerance for providers we use on a non-panel tasking basis. Non-panel tasking carries increased risk as the assets have not been specifically assessed prior for suitability for search and rescue. However, this risk is balanced against the potential loss of life if the resources were not deployed — and we have several specific controls in place to minimise the risk.

Strategic priority 4: Engagement

2023-24 initiatives

AMSA Strategy 2030

Regulator Performance Principle

4.1 Conduct an analysis and review of AMSA’s website and digital presence to determine the extent to which AMSA can meet the needs of stakeholders accessing our online information and services. The review will inform a potential website redevelopment project

SO 1

SE 2

1. 3

4.2 Commence the development of an annual stakeholder survey to measure stakeholder satisfaction and inform continuous improvement action plans.

SO 1

1, 3

4.3 Deliver AMSA’s technical cooperation program of work to support development of maritime and search and rescue capability in the Asia-Pacific region including provision of support to Asia-Pacific Heads of Maritime Safety Agencies (APHoMSA).

SO 2



Primary Enterprise risk

Residual Risk:


Key mitigation strategies

AMSA does not effectively engage with customers and stakeholders

Risk Appetite & Tolerance

Relationship management


Key mitigation strategies include Service Charter, review of consultative bodies, IMO work program, increased regional presence/footprint, AMSA Connect telephone service, Customer issue management via CRM, regulatory customer experience feedback (informal and online/phone), periodic AMSA communications, social media/websites, stakeholder consultative forums, public and community engagement initiatives.

Risk tolerance statement:

We have a moderate tolerance for risk as we nurture and develop our relationship and reputation with stakeholders. We acknowledge that we will be subject to ongoing scrutiny, particularly from National System stakeholders. 

We are not adverse to criticism.

Strategic priority 5: Business transformation

2023-24 initiatives

AMSA Strategy 2030

Regulator Performance Principle

5.1 Undertake a review of existing processes and systems to inform the design, development, and implementation of an enhanced Future Regulatory Operating Model (FROM). The FROM will be supported by a new regulatory information technology (IT) platform that will incorporate:

a web portal to improve client engagement

risk-based decision support tools to support consistent and transparent regulatory decision making

risk-based inspection targeting solution for domestic commercial vessels and port state control to inform inspection and compliance activities

user-centred service delivery process design to streamline delivery of AMSA’s regulatory functions. 

SO 1, 2 & 3

SE 1, 2 & 3

1. 2

5.2 Relocate AMSA’s head office ensuring new arrangements support flexible work practices and ways of working through property, people and technology refresh.

SE 2, 3 & 4

1, 3

5.3 Complete an assessment to understand AMSA’s current security environment and establish a baseline for the physical and governance security forward work program.

SO 3


5.4 Develop a ‘fit-for-purpose’ portfolio, program and project management (P3M) capability to help AMSA improve how it selects, prioritises, governs and delivers projects. 

SO 2

1, 2

5.5 Gather design requirements for a new Incident Management System that supports the full range of incident management events (maritime assistance, pollution response, search and rescue).

SO 1, 2 & 3

SE 1, 2 & 4

1, 2

2024-27 initiatives

AMSA Strategy 2030

Regulator Performance Principle

O5.1 Build a focused data analytics capability to ensure that AMSA has the people, tools, techniques and culture to derive value from data, improve our services and make informed risk-based decisions. 

SO 1, 2 & 3

SE 1, 2, 3 & 4

1, 2

O5.2 Implement the 2022–2027 AMSA Strategic Workforce Plan. 

SE 3


O5.3 ntegrate AMSA’s invoice system with Commonwealth Pan European Public Procurement On-Line (PEPPOL) platform to meet the Australian Governments mandate for e-invoicing arrangements. 

SO 2

SE 1

1, 2, 3

O5.4 Implement the enhanced FROM and regulatory IT platform. 

SO 1, 2 & 3

SE 1, 2 & 3

1, 2


Primary Enterprise risk

Residual Risk:


Key mitigation strategies

AMSA fails to have the right capability to respond appropriately to the changing environment

Risk Appetite & Tolerance

People capability and capacity


Key mitigation strategies include annual review of the work program, strategic workforce plan and capability framework, digital plan, disaster recovery plans and testing, Information and Data Governance Committee, Lessons Board, Interim Portfolio Management Office, AMSA’s Futures Program and Future Capability Program.

Risk tolerance statement:

We have a moderate tolerance for risk in our approach to recruiting, developing and engaging staff.

We understand that to compete and secure good candidates in a resource constrained environment we must develop more efficient and innovative ways to attract and retain staff.

Risk matrix

Almost certainModerateModerateHighExtremeExtreme
UnlikelyVery lowLowModerateModerateHigh
RareVery lowVery lowLowModerateModerate