Consultation: Marine Order 91

Have your say

We welcome your feedback on proposed changes to Marine Order 91 relating to prevention of oil pollution from vessels.

Ways to submit feedback

  1. Make a submission using this online form.
  2. Contact AMSA Connect on 1800 627 484. A Customer Service Officer will take your feedback verbally over the phone.
  3. Send an email to

Please submit your feedback by midnight on 16 September 2024 . 

Your details

Your submission

Proposed changes

Read the proposed changes and let us know your comments.

Please choose the stakeholder category that best reflects your role. You can choose more than one category.
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Please treat my submission as confidential (By checking this box, you are indicating that you do not wish AMSA to publish your submission as part of the consultation process. AMSA will only disclose your submission if required or authorised by law.)