Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Under the new Marine Order 505, AMSA is unable to issue or print legacy endorsements on our National Law CoCs. 

The endorsements would have been originally issued by a state or territory marine safety agency prior to 2013 and the introduction of the National System. 

The reform of Marine Order 505 included changes to the types of endorsements which could be issued by AMSA under the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessels) National Law Act 2012 or ‘National Law’. One change includes the cessation of endorsements not listed in the Marine Order 505. 

They include but are not restricted to the following:

600Nm endorsement

Do you have a 600Nm endorsement attached to your certificate of competency (CoC)? 

National Law CoCs can only be used by people working on a DCV within Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (200Nm from the Australian baseline).  

600Nm endorsements were only ever intended to cover seafarers working on the small number of identified vessels that had previously been permitted to operate beyond the limits of the EEZ. These vessels are covered by Section 19 and Section 320 of the Navigation Act. A full list is available on the AMSA website. 

As a result of the reform to Marine Order 505, AMSA can no longer reissue the 600Nm legacy endorsements when existing CoCs come up for renewal. 

Are exemptions available? 

Crew who previously used a 600Nm endorsement to work on the small number of vessels permitted to operate outside of Australia’s EEZ, will be able to continue to do so under a new exemption (Ex47). 

Seafarers who have a CoC with a 600Nm endorsement printed on the card do not need to seek an early replacement of their card. 

 When the CoC comes up for renewal, the new card will be issued without the 600Nm endorsement printed on it. 

Legacy STCW and other Endorsements on Near Coastal CoCs

The STCW III/3 endorsement has been rescinded having effect from 1 January 2023. If you believe you require this endorsement to work on a vessel over 3000kW, you will need to contact the operator to find a solution. When the CoC comes up for renewal, the new card will be issued without the STCW endorsement printed on it. 

Other endorsements that will also be affected include (but not limited to) cargo, sailing and square rig endorsements.  

Remember, under the new Marine Order 505, AMSA is unable to issue or print legacy endorsements on our National Law CoCs.