A PWC consists of regional or State representatives from welfare providers, industry, government and unions, with a common goal of providing quality onshore seafarer welfare facilities in their port.
While there are many similarities, each port is different in the way it operates and caters for the welfare of international seafarers. The PWC will work together to discuss and resolve seafarer welfare issues at the respective ports.
ASWC organises a joint PWC forum on an annual basis, providing all PWCs and ASWC members the opportunity to share experiences and provide advice on seafarer welfare matters.
Port Welfare Committees by State
Currently there are 18 PWCs located at various Australian ports.
Chair: Vikas Bangia
Email: vbangia@portauthoritynsw.com.au
Vice Chair: Nathan Juchau
Email: njuchau@ncig.com.auSydney
Chair: Lawrie Coda
Email: lcoda@portauthority.com.au
- NT
Chair: Ross Nicholls
Email: rkandvg@gmail.com
Deputy Chair: Sarah Maguire
Email: sarah.maguire@mua.org.auGladstone
Chair: John Fallon
Email: john.a.fallon@msq.qld.gov.auMackay/Haypoint
Chair: TBA
- SA
Chair: Carl Kavina
Email: carl.kavina@fphgroup.com.au
Chair: Zachary Williams
Email: zachary.williams@tasports.com.auHobart
Chair: Prudence Cunningham
Email: prudence.cunningham@tasports.com.au
Chair: TBA
Chair: Matt Purcell
Email: matt.purcell@mua.org.au
- WA
Chair: Paul McSweeney
Chair: Darryl Cotton
Email: dean@bunburycathedral.org.au
Vice Chair: Lee Smith
Email: lee.smith@southernports.com.auWest Pilbara
Chair: Mike Minogue
Email: mike.minogue@pilbaraports.com.au
Secretary: Sophie Lawlor
Email: sophie.lawlor@pilbaraports.com.auEsperance
Chair: Scott Bates
Email: scott.bates@southernports.com.auFremantle
Chair: Savio Fernandes (Harbour Master)
Email: savio.fernandes@fremantleports.com.au
Vice Chair: Ian Bray, ITF
Email: bray_ian@itf.org.ukPort Hedland
Chair: Behrouz Daeizadeh (Harbour Master)
Email: behrouz.daeizadeh@pilbaraports.com.auGeraldton
Chair: Heathcliff Pimento
Email: heathcliff.pimento@midwestports.com.au
Interested in setting up a Port Welfare Committee?
Establishing a PWC comes down to finding the right representatives — it is essential to find those who support and understand seafarers needs and have knowledge of and connections in local ports.
Contact us to express your interest.