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Domestic qualifications
Sailing Master
Training organisations for domestic qualifications
Completing your domestic application
Manage your domestic certificate
Online learning
Online learning
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Safety and navigation training
Cargoes and dangerous goods training
Coastal pilotage training
Training organisations
Domestic certification training
International certification training
International qualifications
Basic safety training
Training organisations for international qualifications
Courses for international qualifications
Managing international certificates
Fishing and sailing vessels
Global maritime distress and safety systems
Yachting qualifications
Career pathways
Seafarer certification guidance documents
Quick-reference guidance documents
Equivalent qualifications and skill recognition
Equivalent qualifications for domestic certificates
New Zealand domestic equivalence
Certificates of recognition and equivalence for international certificates
New Zealand international equivalence
Royal Australian Navy international equivalence
National Plan training
Training for responders
AMSA as a registered training organisation
Sea service and task books
Proof of identity
Task books for domestic qualifications
Sea service for domestic qualifications
Sea service for international qualifications
Sea service books for international qualifications
Vessels & operators
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Incident reporting
Reporting an incident
About marine incident reporting
Marine incident reports
Safety lessons from vessel incidents
Ship registration
Register, transfer, update or close a registration
Submit a notice of intention to register a vessel
Information about vessel registrations
Find out about a vessel
Pleasure craft and fishing boats
Brokers and agents
Seafarer Welfare
Maritime Labour Convention guidance
Seafarer welfare guidance
Seafarer safety
Safety publications and guidance
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Cargoes and dangerous goods
Regulations and standards for cargoes and dangerous goods
Transporting livestock
Container and cargo safety
National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV)
About the NSCV
Design and construction
Special vessels
Novel vessels
Non-survey vessels
Other information
Domestic commercial vessels
What is a domestic commercial vessel?
Operational safety
Marine surveyors manual
National system state transitions
Flag State administration
Flag state administration in Australia
Regulated Australian vessels
Port State control
About Port State control in Australia
Port State control inspections
Common port State control deficiencies
Port State control annual reports
Ship detentions
Port State control
Safety & navigation
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Distress beacons
Changes to EPIRB laws for domestic commercial vessels
Register your beacon and find out more
Maritime mobile service identity information
Navigating coastal waters
Coastal pilots
Pilot advisory notes
Vessel traffic services
Local port services
Particularly sensitive sea areas
Commercial fishing
Offshore activities
Search and rescue
Preparing for a trip
Search and rescue in Australia
Our search and rescue equipment
International and regional search and rescue
Past search and rescue incidents
Spatial data
Maps and geographic data
Navigation systems
Aids to navigation
Systems for maritime safety and distress
Electronic chart navigation
Ship tracking and reporting systems
Automatic identification system
Safety equipment
Rescue boats
Safety equipment
Marine environment
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National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies
About the National Plan
National Plan supporting documents
National Plan annual reports
National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies
Marine pollution
Garbage placards
Ship garbage recycling
The polluting effect of containers
Pollution reporting
MARPOL discharges
MARPOL Convention
Vessel waste management
Regulations and standards
Fishing gear marking and reporting
Maritime casualty response
Maritime casualty management
Complex maritime emergencies
Pollution response
Pollution investigation
Response resources
Response tools and capabilities
Pollution science technical references
Pollution response
Incidents and exercises
Historical pollution and casualty incidents
Air pollution
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions
Sydney Harbour cruise ship emissions
Low sulphur fuel regulations
Fuel oil suppliers
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AMSA on social media
Marine Order 504 changes
Women in maritime
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People in maritime
Lifejacket safety
AMSA update
Marine notices
Safety alerts
Maritime Safety Awareness Bulletins
Survey Matters
Upcoming webinars
Past webinars
Open consultations
Closed consultations 2023/2024
Closed consultations (2016 to 2022)
Safety lessons
From vessel incidents
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Who we are
Our priorities
Organisation structure
Our Board
Office locations
Fees, levies, and payments
Domestic commercial vessel safety fees
Marine levies
Cost recovery implementation statements
Reporting and accountability
Body worn cameras
Requesting information from us
File lists and mandatory reporting
Confidential reporting
Who we work with
Committees and groups
International engagement
Building capacity in the maritime industry
Memoranda of understanding
Interagency agreements
Intergovernmental agreements
Regulations and standards
The national law and regulations
Marine orders
National law exemptions
Standards and generic equivalent solutions
Marine notices
What are marine orders
Regulations and standards
myAMSA (beta)
myAMSA Terms of Use
Contact us
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Feedback and complaints
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Guidance for deceased estates
Corporate publications
Annual reports
Annual regulatory plans
Corporate plans
Modern slavery statements
Publication order forms
Strategic documents
Regulator performance framework reports
Superseded compliance documents
Workforce publications
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Surveyor of domestic vessels
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Commercial fisher
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International crew
Coastal pilot
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Report an incident
Notify us about a marine incident, report a marine safety concern, or make a pollution report.
Near coastal certificate of competency (426)
Access the domestic near coastal certificate of competency application (form 426).
Register a distress beacon and apply for an MMSI
Registering your distress beacon online can make all the difference in a life threatening situation.
National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV)
Read the rules and standards for domestic commercial vessel design, construction and equipment.
Marine order index and changes
Find all marine orders and learn about changes to Marine Order 504 and Marine Order 505.
Safety management systems
A safety management system (also known as an SMS) is a systematic approach to managing systems.
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Last updated: 9 February 2024
Upcoming changes to SMS requirements — What you need to know
From 1 June 2025, new safety management system (SMS) requirements will come into effect for…
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International safety alert: rise in cargo transport unit structural failures on ships
We have issued a safety alert to raise awareness of the structural and stowage requirements for…
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Coming soon: simplified safety management system for smaller domestic vessels
From 1 June 2025, a simplified safety management system (SMS) will be available for smaller, less…
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Working together to enhance maritime safety in the Torres Strait
AMSA's Safety Advisor, Desley Thompson, travelled to Torres Strait communities in February to…
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I want to...
Find out about search and rescue
We provide search and rescue to any person in distress in the Australian search and rescue region.
Find a form
Quickly find the form you need, including international seafarer form 419.
Find out about seafarer and crew qualifications
To work in the maritime industry, you need the right certificate. Find out how to get your ticket.
Access My Boat
Use My Boat to understand and comply with safety equipment requirements for your vessel.
Access certificates of survey
Apply for a new, or renew, vary, revoke or suspend a certificate of survey.
Access certificates of operation
Apply for a new, or renew, vary, revoke or suspend a certificate of operation.
Keep my vessel compliant
How to keep your vessel compliant with Australian laws and regulations.
Prevent or report marine pollution
How to make a pollution report to us and protect the marine environment from pollution.
Navigate safely
Aids and rules for navigating Australia's coastal waters, particularly in sensitive sea areas.
Search the maritime safety information database
Navigational warnings issued by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre including Australian warnings.
Sign up for newsletters
Stay up to date by subscribing to one of our regular email updates.
I am a...
Surveyor of domestic commercial vessels
You are an accredited marine surveyor or looking to become accredited.
Domestic commercial vessel owner or operator
You own or operate a vessel in Australian waters and must be compliant with Australian laws.
Commercial fisher
You own, operate or work on a fishing vessel in Australia.
Coastal pilot
You contribute to the safety of ships and large vessels in sensitive Australian waters.
Journalist or member of the media
You work in the media industry and need content for your news stories.
Registered training organisation
You offer training for domestic or international certificates, for working in the maritime industry.
Not you? See more…