These services include all ship registration related transactions offered by AMSA, including lodging applications and requests on behalf of ship owners.
AMSA does not have any agreements in place with third party businesses to provide assistance with any of these applications on our behalf.
You can obtain these services directly from AMSA without going to a third party business. We can only accept applications that have been ‘properly made’. Properly made applications require forms to be signed and lodged by the ship’s owner or a person acting under a properly executed power of attorney. We will only provide information in relation to applications directly to the applicant. This information cannot be provided to third parties.
AMSA does not endorse or recommend any products or services offered by, from or through third party websites. Users should exercise caution if using or engaging the services of third parties offering AMSA related services.
Contact us
For further information contact the Shipping Registration Office at or phone +61 2 6279 5925.