Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Focused inspection campaign—livestock ships

This advice is for ship owners and masters. We will undertake a focused inspection campaign (FIC) on livestock ships from 1 March to 31 August 2021. The campaign will target all livestock ships departing Australian ports.

This focused inspection campaign will look closely at: 

  • the maintenance and repair requirements of livestock ships in relation to international Conventions. 
  • the ships crews’ familiarity with determining the ship’s stability, 
  • the use of accurate information for the livestock cargo carried when calculating stability,  
  • check that livestock ships operating from Australia continue to comply with the specific requirements of Marine Order 43—Cargo and cargo handling—livestock.

Inspection process 

We will undertake the FIC in conjunction with normal port State control inspections.  

AMSA surveyors will use a checklist when they conduct this FIC. A copy of this checklist is provided below. Our focus is on ensuring that the ships that carry livestock from Australia are fit for purpose, safe, and properly maintained.    

Where a surveyor finds a deficiency in relation to the items in the checklist, the surveyor will discuss the deficiency with the Master, and their intentions with regards to rectifying the deficiency.   

There are two parts to this FIC checklist. The first part relates to Marine Order 43 specific requirements. These are Australia’s national requirements.  Any deficiencies found that relate directly to Marine Order 43 will be recorded on the record of the inspection form (SV-CC).  

The second part of the FIC relates to International Convention requirements. Any deficiencies will be recorded as part of normal port State control practices. 

Every livestock ship that carries livestock as a cargo from Australia, will be subject to one FIC inspection during this campaign. The duration of the campaign allows for each livestock ship that holds a current ACCL to be inspected once during this campaign. 

Outcome of the focused inspection campaign 

Livestock ships—1 March 2021 to 31 August 2021

Last updated: 18 March 2022