Common deficiency issues for fire fighting equipment

Certain deficiencies in fire fighting equipment are consistently found when we conduct port State control inspections.

During port State control inspections we look at areas critical to the safe operation of the ship—inspecting the overall conditions of the ship, its equipment and its crew and the vessel's compliance with certificates.

Fire fighting equipment

Fire dampers

Deficient fire dampers are a leading cause of detention. The purpose of a fire damper is to be able to stop the flow of air into a space to help stop a fire in an emergency. Correct operation of the dampers can usually be checked without needing to open the casing because of the sound that can be heard.

Common fire damper issues include:

  • holes caused by corrosion and rust
  • not closing at all or completely
  • excessive effort required to open and close the damper.

If these issues are found, your ship will be detained until it is fixed.

Routine checks and maintenance must be done to make sure fan mechanism and attachment of discs/louvers to shafts are effective. When checking fire dampers regularly and before an inspection, make sure to check:

  • they are properly marked open and closed
  • the locking pins are free to be removed without excessive effort
  • the operating handles are free to move without excessive force
  • the operation is smooth and operates through the full range of motion.
Holes in fire damper
Holes in fire damper
Fire damper stuck in closed position and it has been cut in half to let air escape.
Fire damper stuck in closed position and it has been cut in half to let air escape.
Fire damper is rusty, stuck almost open and unable to move.
Fire damper is rusty, stuck almost open and unable to move.
Emergency fire pump

The emergency fire pump must be able to adequately pressurise the fire main.

If the emergency fire pump is non-operational, your ship may be detained. If we find the following conditions, your ship will be detained:

  • The pump is not able to perform at or between any draughts and no appropriate level equivalent level of safety such as a connection to shore water has been provided.
  • The pump is disabled due to draught.
Fire main isolating valve

Fire main isolating valves are also an important component of the fire system and its operation will generally be checked during the inspection. Our inspector may test the engine room fire main isolating valve during the emergency fire pump test.

When maintaining and checking the emergency fire main isolating valve regularly and before an inspection, make sure to:

  • test and check the condition of the fire hoses, nozzles and main
  • test the fire pump and make sure it works without external priming (unless class approved)
  • if fitted, test the fire pump priming system is working correctly.
Fire hose that is attached on a ship. It has holes and water is leaking out
Fire hose that is attached on a ship. It has holes and water is leaking out
Holes in the fire main of the ship are causing water to leak out
Holes in the fire main of the ship are causing water to leak out


Last updated: 7 January 2020