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Our approved engineer cadet program—MT08

The content of the Engineer cadet program including certificate and short courses, qualifying sea service and medical fitness.

The Engineer cadet program must be at least 3 years and include the following:

1. Workshop skills training

At least a 36 week program of workshop skills training including:

  • maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment
  • appropriate use of hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments for fabrication and repair on board
  • maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment.

2. Qualifying sea service

At least 36 weeks qualifying seagoing service on vessels greater than or equal to 750 killowatts propulsion power, of which at least 26 weeks must include engine-room watchkeeping duties, under the supervision of an Engineer officer or officers holding the qualification of Engineer watchkeeper, Engineer class 2 or Engineer class 1. At least 16 weeks of the 36 weeks qualifying sea service must be in vessels of the kind (steam or motor) to which the certificate applies.

3. Training record book

Completion of an AMSA approved training record book. The college may have additional record book requirements.

4. Training courses

An approved training course that complies with:

  1. STCW Code section A-III/1 (Engineer watchkeeper) including:
    • Maintain a safe engineering watch.
    • Use English in written and oral form.
    • Use internal communication systems.
    • Operate main and auxiliary machinery and associated control systems.
    • Operate fuel, lubrication, ballast and other pumping systems and associated control systems.
    • Operate electrical, electronic and control systems.
    • Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment.
    • Appropriate use of hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments for fabrication and repair on board.
    • Maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment.
    • Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements.
    • Maintain seaworthiness of the ship.
    • Prevent, control and fight fires on board.
    • Operate life-saving appliances.
    • Apply medical first aid on board ship.
    • Monitor compliance with legislative requirements.
    • Application of leadership and teamworking skills.
    • Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship.
  2. STCW Code section A-III/2 (Engineer class 2—part A and B, and Engineer class 1—part A) including:
    • Manage the operation of propulsion plant machinery.
    • Plan and schedule operations.
    • Operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery.
    • Manage fuel, lubrication and ballast operations.
    • Manage operation of electrical and electronic control equipment.
    • Manage trouble-shooting, restoration of electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition.
    • Manage safe and effective maintenance and repair procedures.
    • Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults.
    • Ensure safe working practices.
    • Control trim, stability and stress.
    • Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, security and protection of marine environment.
    • Maintain safety and security of the vessel, crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems.
    • Develop emergency and damage control plans and handle emergency situations.
    • Use leadership and managerial skills.

5. Short courses

The completion of the following STCW short courses:

  1. Tanker familiarisation:
    • STCW Code section A-V/1-1 paragraph 1 (Oil and Chemical)
    • STCW Code section A-V/1-2 paragraph 1 (Liquefied Gas)
  2. Basic safety training:
    • Personal survival techniques STCW Code table A-VI/1-1
    • Fire prevention and fire fighting STCW Code table A-VI/1-2
    • Elementary first aid STCW Code table A-VI/1-3
    • Personal safety and social responsibilities STCW Code table A-VI/1-4
    • Security Awareness Training STCW Code section A-VI/6 paragraph 4
  3. Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats STCW Code section A-VI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4
  4. Advanced Fire Fighting STCW Code Table A-VI/3
  5. Medical First Aid STCW Code Table A-VI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3.

6. Hold valid certificates

You must hold a valid Certificate of medical fitness issued by an AMSA approved medical inspector. 

7. Pass an oral examination

Pass an oral examination in appropriate operational knowledge conducted by an AMSA examiner of Engineers.

Last updated: 28 October 2020