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Combined Masters, Deck and Engineer officer’s revalidation course syllabus—MT09

Details about the Registered training organisation delivered revalidation courses for Masters, Deck and Engineer officers.

The revalidation course has been designed in three parts: A, B and C. Part A is common to Masters, Deck and Engineer officers, Part B is solely for Masters and Deck officers and Part C is solely for Engineer officers. The complete courses are:

  • Part A and B for Masters and Deck officers
  • Part A and C for Engineer officers.

Part A—Combined revalidation course for Masters, Deck and Engineer officers

Pre requisites

  • A valid or expired Australian Master or Deck or Engineer officer certificate of competency.

Seafarers without prerequisities

Seafarers who performed functions relating to duties appropriate to the grade of the certification and have the required sea service, must email Seafarer Certification Services ( with supporting evidence to find out if they can attend the course. The AMSA approved college must not make this determination.


  • Masters and Deck officers—80 hours
  • Engineer officers—76 hours


Part A of the course has two roles:

  1. Either:
    • For non-serving seafarers—including those certificate holders not serving as Masters or Deck or Engineer officers on sea-going vessels—and others wishing to revalidate their certificates without having the required 12 months qualifying sea service in the previous 5 years.
    • 3 months in the immediate preceding 6 months. This part of the revalidation course also satisfies compliance with the STCW Convention with regard to fire fighting and survival craft competencies.
  2. For Deck officer certificate of competency holders serving as port or Great Barrier Reef pilots, to provide those components of the revalidation course not considered covered by their service as a pilot.

Course content

Is not restricted to, but must include the following topics,  the minimum number of hours to be spent on each topic is stipulated, unless an alternate delivery model is approved by us.

Content Duration
  • Cargo operations including carriage of hazardous and dangerous goods
  • Cargo securing arrangements—equipment and documentation
  • IMDG Code amendments and revision
  • IMO Codes for bulk and other cargoes.

4 hours

  • Vessel stability review including damage stability, cargo loading and ballast management simulation involving stresses.

4 hours

  • Recent developments in international and national legislation concerning safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment including amendments to the MARPOL, STCW, MLC and Loadline, SOLAS conventions, and other current and relevant

IMO resolutions—inclluding Res 1206 lifeboats—as follows:

    • ISM Code revision
    • MLC requirements and implementation
    • Seacare/OHS(MI) Act amendments and application
    • HSR duties revision
    • Safety codes for the prevention of accidents, including review
    • Confined space entry and documentation revision
    • Shipboard Security/ISPS Code update—refer to note 1 below.

4 hours

  • Masters, Deck and Engineer officers—Medical first aid practical refresher training including resuscitation. The college may grant recognition of prior learning for this competency to applicants holding a current and valid Senior first aid certificate or equivalent).

4 hours

  • Masters and Deck officers only—Medical care and Medical emergencies refresher including:
    • Review of nursing and medical procedures
    • Current legislative requirements and new equipment updates
    • ILO/IMO/WHO International Medical Guide for Ships, and associated Quantification Addendum revision.

4 hours

  • Full AMSA approved Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats course (STCW Reg VI/2). This course must also include all competencies of the PST Course. All drills and exercises must be completed satisfactorily by each student.


  • Full AMSA approved Advanced fire-fighting course (STCW Reg VI/3). This course must also include all competencies of the basic fire fighting course.
  • All drills and exercises must be completed satisfactorily by each student.
Total Deck—80 hours Engine—76 hours
  • Full AMSA approved Security Awareness Training (STCW VI/6)—all seafarers must hold a Security Awareness Training endorsement.
7 hours

Part B—Masters and Deck officers revalidation course

Pre requisite

A valid or expired Australian Master or Deck officer certificate of competency.

Seafarers without prerequisities

Seafarers who performed functions relating to duties appropriate to the grade of the certification and have the required sea service, must email Seafarer Certification Services ( with supporting evidence to find out if they can attend the course. The AMSA approved college must not make this determination.


30 hours


Part B of the course has a dual role:

  1. Either:
    • For non-serving seafarers—including those certificate holders not serving as Masters or Watchkeepers on sea-going vessels—and others wishing to revalidate their certificates without having the required 12 months qualifying sea service in the previous 5 years.
    • 3 months in the immediate preceding 6 months, this forms part B of the Revalidation training required.
  2. For persons serving on floating production storage and offloadings (FPSOs), to provide those components of the revalidation course not considered covered by their service on an FPSO. Note that such personnel will also be required to complete the shore based approved continued competence training in components of the Certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats and Advanced fire-fighting courses as required by serving seafarers.

Course content

Is not restricted to, but must include the following topics, the minimum number of hours to be spent on each topic is stipulated, unless an alternate delivery model is approved by us.

Content Duration

Revision and updates on the concepts and principles of Bridge Resource Management (BRM), including BRM exercises and simulator work involving underpinning knowledge and the use of leadership and managerial skills.

3 hours

Revision of collision regulations and buoyage systems with case studies of relevant incidents involving collisions and grounding.

3 hours

Passage Planning training including exercises and case studies.

6 hours

“E Nav” - including electronic navigation systems, new technology and equipment updates, including developments in electronic navigational aid systems, their operational procedures and limitations, including AIS and VDR.

3 hours

Electronic Chart Systems and ECDIS, operational procedures and limitations which must include active practical exercises involving ARPA radar interface and ECDIS use, in an integrated navigation system bridge simulator having full ECDIS capabilities.

Persons not already holding an AMSA approved generic ECDIS course completion certificate and required to serve on an ECDIS equipped vessel will be required to complete a full AMSA approved generic ECDIS course (STCW Reg ll/1 and ll/2) before AMSA will endorse their certificate of competency as ECDIS trained.

8 hours

Simulator exercises involving a combination of all the above competencies and involving a final assessment.

7 hours


30 hours

PART C—Engineer officers revalidation course


35 hours


For non-serving seafarers—those certificate holders not serving as Engineer officers on appropriate vessels—and others wishing to revalidate their certificates of competency without having the required 12 months qualifying sea service in the previous 5 years, or 3 months in the immediate preceding 6 months, this forms Part C of the Revalidation training course. When combined with Part A of the Masters and Deck and Engineer officers revalidation program, the training requirements will have been satisfied to revalidate an engineering Certificate of Competency at the grade of Engineer class 1, Engineer class 2 and Engineer watchkeeper and the sub grade of steam and/ or motor.

Pre requisite

A valid or expired, Australian Engineer  officer  certificate  of competency as Engineer class 1, class 2 and Engineer Watchkeeper.

Seafarers without prerequisities

Seafarers who performed functions relating to duties appropriate to the grade of the certification and have the required sea service, must email Seafarer Certification Services ( with supporting evidence to find out if they can attend the course. The AMSA approved college must not make this determination.


Is not restricted to, but must include the following topics,  the minimum number of hours to be spent on each topic is stipulated, unless an alternate delivery model is approved by AMSA

Content Duration
  • Modern fuels, including specifications, sampling, documentation, treatment and restrictions or limitations on use
  • Slow speed engine development
  • Medium speed engine developments
  • Gas and steam turbine and boiler developments

7 hours

Current technology, equipment and IMO Code updates.

Plant Operation, including RO, purifier, OWS, AFS, BWT, Incinerator and sewage systems.

3 hours

  • Permits to work/isolation revision

Refrigerant handling and revision.

3 hours

  • Power generation and distribution systems including emergency arrangements
  • Modern controls/PLCs
  • Electronic controls/PLCs practical
  • Digital electronics (theory and practical)
  • Practical electrical / Electronic exercises

High voltage electricity theory and practical.

14 hours

  • Use of leadership and management skills
  • Review of recent marine incidents, including those leading to injury, pollution or vessel casualty, relevant to engineers

Review of recent relevant regulatory activities, both foreign and domestic, including vessel detention and legal action.



34 hours


Full attendance and participation in all activities during the course will satisfy the required performance criteria.

Course evaluation

As part of the AMSA approval, each student must be invited to comment in writing on the content and standard of the course as well as the method of delivery. These will be reviewed by AMSA at the next scheduled audit.

Certificates issued on course completion

A course completion statement should be issued by the provider stating the holder has completed:


  1. Part A of an AMSA approved Deck and Engineer officer revalidation program
  2. AMSA approved Advanced fire fighting course
  3. AMSA approved Certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats.

and/or one of the following:

  1. Part B of an AMSA approved Deck officer revalidation course
  2. Part C of an AMSA approved Engineer officer revalidation course.

Certificate of medical fitness

All applicants for revalidation of a Master, Deck or Engineer Officer certificate of competency must hold a valid AMSA seafarer’s Certificate of medical fitness issued by an AMSA approved medical practitioner.

GMDSS Radio operator’s certificate

All applicants for revalidation of a Masters or Deck Officers certificate of competency must hold either a valid AMSA GMDSS ROC or an AMSA GMDSS ROC Certificate of recognition.

Last updated: 9 November 2020