Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

International endorsements

Find out the requirements you need to fulfill to obtain an international endorsement.

These endorsements are issued under Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 , made under the Navigation Act 2012 .

The procedures for endorsement application process and requirements apply to:

  • Masters and deck officers
  • Engineer officers
  • Ratings (chief integrated rating, integrated rating, able seafarer—deck, able seafarer—engine), navigational watch rating, engine room watch rating)
  • Marine cooks
  • Certificate of safety training (see conditions below)

When to get an endorsement

If you hold a seafarer certificate you may apply for endorsement on your certificate for some vessel or function training that you have achieved. This will enable you to carry out the endorsed duties or functions on a regulated Australian vessel. 

A holder of a certificate of safety training may be issued with a passenger vessel crisis management and human behaviour endorsement and certificate of survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats following approved training. No other endorsement will be issued for this certificate.

AMSA may endorse a near coastal certificate of competency on a case by case basis using the application process below.

Read more about endorsements in section 37 of Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 .

Apply for an endorsement from overseas

You need to fill out the AMSA form 419 then print and sign it. You can send your application to us at our email address, SCSApplications@amsa.gov.au.

The email needs to contain a scanned copy of your completed and signed application form, scans of certified copies of your supporting documents, and a colour JPG photograph of yourself. We will reject any application where we cannot read the scanned supporting documents. 
You can find more information about submitting from overseas on the AMSA form 419, application form page.

In addition, please note:

Eligibility and revalidation requirements for endorsements

Schedule 2 of Marine Order 70 (Seafarer Certification) 2014 contains the full list of eligibility requirements for vessel and function endorsements, and revalidation of endorsements. A summary of the requirements is listed below for each endorsement. 

Dynamic positioning operator—limited and unlimited endorsements

Schedule 2, table 2.2, items 6 and 7 Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 sets out the eligible certificates that may be endorsed for the function of unlimited dynamic positioning operator and limited dynamic positioning operator.

The unlimited dynamic positioning operator endorsement is issued for service on class 1, 2 or 3 Dynamic positioning vessels. The Limited dynamic positioning operator endorsement is issued for service on class 1 dynamic positioning vessels. Holders of a valid Nautical Institute Dynamic positioning operator certificate (unlimited or limited)* may apply to us for a Dynamic positioning operator endorsement.

It is not mandatory to hold an AMSA issued dynamic positioning operator endorsement to serve on a dynamic positioning vessel.

An endorsement from us may be issued for up to 5 years. This will depend on the expiry date of the primary certificate issued by the Nautical Institute. To revalidate the endorsement you will need to revalidate your Nautical Institute dynamic positioning operator certificate and then apply to us for a new dynamic positioning operator endorsement.

Find out more about obtaining a dynamic positioning operator (unlimited or limited) certificate.

Electronic chart display and information system

To get an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) endorsement, masters or deck officers in charge of navigational watches serving on ships fitted with International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) compliant ECDIS equipment must complete ECDIS training. The training consists of two parts:

  1. An AMSA-approved generic ECDIS training course that conforms to STCW Code table A-II/1 (for navigation at the operational level) and Code table A-II/2 column 1 (for navigation at the management level). Upon satisfactory completion, you will be issued with a certificate of proficiency as ECDIS trained. 
  2. Familiarisation training as outlined in Marine Notice 2017/07 Guidance on ECDIS for ships calling at Australian ports.

Holders of near coastal certificates of competency may apply for an ECDIS endorsement if they have satisfactorily completed the training. It will be issued a plastic card.

Certificates of competency issued to masters and deck officers who have not completed this training will be unable to serve on ships fitted with ECDIS equipment.

A certificate of proficiency as an ECDIS trained office is issued in perpetuity. There is no need for revalidation of this endorsement.

Read more about ECDIS.

Fast rescue boats

For fast rescue boat endorsement, you must hold a Certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats and have completed an approved seafarer training course, including assessment, complying with paragraphs 7 to 10 of section A-VI/2 of the STCW Code. You must complete training in Proficiency in fast rescue boats—STCW Regulation VI/2 Code A -VI/2 table A-VI/2-2.

To revalidate, you must complete the following:

  • a letter from the company to certify that you have served on a vessel, and operated a fast rescue boat on that vessel, for a total period of at least 3 months in the five years before the date of application for the revalidation. Your company should ensure that the fast rescue boat is listed on the vessel’s safety equipment certificate, and
  • an approved seafarer training course, including assessment, complying with paragraph 11 and 12 of section A-Vl/2 of the STCW Code. Completion of the continued competence in fast rescue craft course will satisfy this requirement.
High speed craft

A certificate of competency as a Master may be endorsed for service as Master for a route on high speed craft if you have:

  • completed approved high speed craft training, relevant to the type of craft and the route, that meets the requirements of paragraphs to (inclusive) of the high speed craft code
  • practical experience and familiarisation training appropriate for the endorsement.

For revalidation of endorsement, you must have completed one of the following:

  • approved sea service of at least 6 months in the 2 years before you apply for revalidation on a high speed craft of the type and on the route to which your endorsement refers.
  • an approved training program for high speed craft operation in the year before your application for revalidation.
Integrated rating—certificate of proficiency as integrated rating (STCW Regulation ll/5 and lll/5 compliant)

For endorsement of functions on a certificate of proficiency, you must have at least 7 months documented qualifying seagoing service while holding the certificate of proficiency as integrated rating (STCW Regulation II/4 and III/4).

Passenger vessel endorsement

A certificate of competency, certificate of proficiency and certificate of safety training may be endorsed for service on a passenger vessel:

  • Endorsement 1 - if you are listed on the muster list of a passenger vessel as responsible for assisting passengers in an emergency, you must complete approved training in crisis management and human behaviour stated in paragraph 4 of section A-V/2 of the STCW Code.
  • Endorsement 2 - if you are responsible for embarking and disembarking passengers, loading, discharging or securing cargo, or closing hull openings on board passenger vessels, you must complete approved training in passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity as specified in paragraph 5 of section A-V/2 of the STCW code.

A single endorsement is issued for each course completed.

Passenger vessel endorsements are required for personnel working on passenger vessels, as outlined above, when on international voyages. They may be issued to personnel working on domestic passenger vessels making coastal voyages.

To revalidate your endorsement, you must have completed one of the following:

  • Approved refresher training appropriate for the kind of endorsement to be revalidated
  • Served on passenger vessels of the kind to which your endorsement refers for at least 3 months in the 5 years before the date of application for the revalidation.
Sailing vessels—fore and aft

A certificate of competency as a master may be endorsed for service as master on a fore and aft sailing vessel if:

  • You hold a Royal Yachting Association Yachtmaster ocean certificate or another certificate that we consider at least equivalent to the Yachtmaster ocean certificate.
  • You have served as a deck officer on a fore and aft rig sailing vessel for at least 12 months or for at least 6 months, and you can produce testimonials from the master of the vessel confirming that you were assessed on board ship and found competent to serve as master.

To revalidate your endorsement, you must have completed one of the following:

  • Approved seagoing service, performing functions appropriate for the endorsement, for a total period of at least 3 months in the 5 years before the date of application for the revalidation.
  • An approved seafarer training course, including assessment, in knowledge of sailing vessels, in the 5 years immediately before the date of application.
Sailing vessels—square rigged

A certificate of competency as a Master may be endorsed for service as Master on a square rigged sailing vessel if you have completed an approved square rigged training assessment and served as a Deck officer for either:

  • at least 12 months
  • at least 6 months with testimonials from the Master of the vessel confirming that you were assessed on board ship and found competent to serve as Master.

To revalidate your endorsement, you must have completed one of the following:

  • approved sea service performing functions appropriate for the endorsement, for a total period of at least 3 months in the 5 years before the date of application for the revalidation
  • an approved seafarer training course, including assessment, in knowledge of sailing vessels, in the 5 years immediately before the date of application.
Security awareness training endorsement

SAT endorsement

Since 1 January 2017 holders of certificates of competency, certificates of proficiency and certificates of safety training have been required to hold a security awareness training (SAT) endorsement. It is therefore mandatory that all AMSA STCW certificates must include this endorsement in accordance with STCW Regulation VI/6. 

If you have previously held a SAT endorsement your revalidated certificate will automatically include one providing you have met the security related familiarisation requirements of Regulation VI/6 and participate in the drills and exercises required by the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) code.  You therefore do not need to apply to revalidate a SAT endorsement.

 AMSA will not revalidate or recognise a STCW certificate issued by a foreign administration if the holder has not completed a SAT course and holds an endorsement. If you have not completed SAT training you can do so at an AMSA-approved college.

If you hold a certificate of recognition and were previously issued with a SAT endorsement this will not be renewed if it now appears in your foreign primary certificate of competency.

(Example: New Zealand STCW applicants seeking recognition under the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (TTMRA) are required to have completed a SAT to be issued an equivalent AMSA certificate of recognition.)

Designated security duties/ ship security officers endorsement

There are additional requirements for persons wishing to be eligible for a designated security duties (DSD) and ship security officers (SSO) endorsement.

Ship security officer

To get an endorsement as a Ship security officer you must have completed an approved seafarer training course that complies with paragraphs 1 to 4 of section A-VI/5 of the STCW code, and one of the following:

  1. 12 months documented qualifying seagoing service
  2. documented qualifying seagoing service and knowledge of vessel operations that we consider equivalent to 12 months documented qualifying seagoing service

There is no need to complete a Ship security officer training course to revalidate a Ship security officer endorsement if you, or the shipboard personnel concerned, meet the security related familiarisation requirements of Regulation VI/6 and participate in the drills and exercises required by the International ship and port facility security code.

Sea service as a cadet or trainee is not considered qualifying sea service for the purpose of endorsement as a Ship security officer.

Port or Facility security officer and Company security officer training does not meet this requirement.

We accept Ship security officer certificates issued later than 2002 if:

  • it is based on the International Ship and port facility security code adopted in 2002
  • you are a serving seafarer
  • you have letters from your company—on company letterhead—that you have participated in security drills on board.

If you have completed a Ship security officer course approved by the administration in a country with which Australia has an agreement, we may accept it as equivalent to Security awareness training. This is because the content of the course completed in a foreign country is based on the domestic legislation of that country.

Person with designated security duties

For this endorsement, you must have completed an approved seafarer training course or an Ship security officer course that complies with paragraph 6 of section A-VI/6 of the STCW code.

There is no need to complete a Designated security duties course to revalidate a Designated security duties endorsement if you, or the shipboard personnel concerned, meet the security-related familiarisation requirements of Regulation VI/6 and participate in the drills and exercises required by the International ship and port security code.

Survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats

For endorsement of a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have completed at least 6 months documented qualifying seagoing service on vessels carrying survival equipment suitable for use on SOLAS vessels while holding a certificate of safety training or personal survival techniques course completion statement — STCW code A-VI/1 (, Table A-VI/1-1
  • Have completed an approved seafarer training course that complies with paragraphs 1 to 4 of section A-VI/2 of the STCW code.

To revalidate your endorsement, you must have:

Maintained the standard of competence specified in STCW code section A-VI/2 paragraphs 5 and 6. Completion of the continued competence in proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats course will satisfy this requirement.

Oil, chemical and gas tanker

If you are immediately responsible for cargo and cargo operations, care in transit or other handling of cargo, you must have a tanker endorsement. Your endorsement must be appropriate to the type of tanker you are working on.

Approved advanced tanker safety course

  1. Oil endorsement – advanced training for oil tanker operations completed in one of the our approved registered training organisations in accordance with Regulation V/1- 1 of the STCW convention, paragraph 2 of section A-V/1-1 of the STCW code and table A-V/1-1-2 of the STCW code
  2. Chemical endorsement – advanced training for chemical tanker operations completed in one of the AMSA approved registered training organisations in accordance with Regulation V/1-1 of the STCW convention, paragraph 3 of section A-V/1-1 of the STCW code and table A-V/1-1-3 of the STCW code
  3. Gas endorsement – advanced training for liquefied gas tanker operations completed in one of the AMSA approved registered training organisations in accordance with Regulation V/1-2 of the STCW convention, paragraph 2 of section A-V/1-2 of the STCW code and table A-V/1-2-1 of the STCW code.

Approved sea service for tanker endorsement must meet the following pre-requisites:

  1. The subject vessel must be certified as an oil tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier
  2. The subject vessel must be carrying a cargo which is listed in any of the following whilst the applicant was serving on that vessel –
    1. Appendix I of annex I of the protocol of 1978 relating to the MARPOL
    2. Chapter 17 of the IBC code or chapter VI of the BC code
    3. Chapter 19 of the IGC code or chapter XIX of the GC code.
  3. You were engaged in cargo operation on board that vessel in the capacity as Master, Deck Officer, Ship’s engineer engaged in cargo operation, and provides documentary evidence in relation to that service.

Oil means a kind of cargo which satisfies the definition of Regulation 1.1 of Appendix 1 of Annex 1 of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL).

Oil tanker means a cargo ship that meets the definition of Annex 1 of the Protocol of 1978 relating to MARPOL.

Chemical means any chemicals listed in chapter 17 of the IBC code or chapter VI of the RC code.

Chemical tanker means a cargo ship that meets the definition of IBC code or BC code; listed in either of the following:

  1. Chapter 17 of the IBC code
  2. Chapter VI of the BC code.

Liquefied gas means any liquefied gas or other products listed in chapter 19 of the IGC code or chapter XIX of the GC code.

Gas carrier is a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other products listed in either of the following:

  1. Chapter 19 of the IGC code
  2. Chapter XIX of the GC code.
Tanker familiarisation endorsement

You must have completed an approved course in tanker familiarisation that complies with STCW code section A-V/1-1 paragraph 1 (oil and chemical) and section A-V/1-2 paragraph 1 (liquefied gas).
AMSA approved advanced diploma, diploma and integrated rating courses have tanker familiarisation included in their course of study.

If you have previously completed a tanker familiarisation course your revalidated certificate will automatically include one. You do not need to apply to revalidate a tanker familiarisation endorsement.

Tanker familiarisation courses completed overseas

If you live overseas, a tanker familiarisation course completed overseas in eligible countries  may be recognised by AMSA for the initial issue of the endorsement providing you satisfy the requirements below.


Before we can accept the tanker familiarisation course you have completed overseas in eligible countries, for initial issue you are required to:

  • Be a resident overseas—permanently living in a country other than Australia.
  • Contact the country’s flag State administration to obtain information regarding the location of an approved course provider IN that country.
  • Make sure you are completing the course IN the country which has an agreement with Australia.
  • On completion of the course, obtain a course completion certificate which contains your name, the title of the course, STCW regulation number, issue date and name and contact details of the overseas course provider.
  • You must obtain a letter from the overseas course provider that states the course is approved by the administration of that country and you have attended the course.

(Example: If you completed a tanker familiarisation course in India, which has an agreement with Australia, and at an Indian maritime training organisation that was approved by the Indian Directorate General of Shipping, AMSA will recognise the course.)

Advanced oil, chemical and liquefied gas tanker endorsements

Initial issue of advanced tanker endorsement

To gain this endorsement, you must:

  1. Hold a certificate of competency as a master, deck officer or engineer officer.
  2. Have completed an approved advanced tanker safety course within the last 5 years..

You must also complete one of the following options:

  • At least 3 months of approved sea service on a tanker appropriate for the endorsement, performing functions appropriate for the endorsement including at least 3 loads and 3 discharges.
  • Approved on board training of at least 1 month in cargo handling duties on a tanker performing functions appropriate for the endorsement including 3 loads and 3 discharges, documented in an approved training record book.

We accept the following Merchant Navy Training Board record books for approved on board training:

  • Oil tankers
  • Chemical (incl. vegetable oil) tankers
  • Liquefied gas (LPG) tankers.

Revalidation of advanced tanker endorsement

You must have completed one of the following:

  • At least 3 months of approved sea service, performing functions appropriate for the endorsement, during the 5 years before the date of application for the revalidation.
  • Appropriate seafarer training course within the 5 years before the date of application.

Advanced tanker courses

The appropriate training course is:

  1. Oil tanker—a course of training that complies with STCW code section A-V/1-1 paragraph 2.
  2. Chemical tanker—a course of training that complies with STCW code section A-V/1-1, paragraph 3.
  3. Liquefied gas tanker—a course of training that complies with STCW code section A-V/1-2, paragraph 2.

Required sea service

Approved sea service for tanker endorsement must meet the following pre-requisites:

  1. The subject vessel must be certified as an oil tanker, chemical tanker or liquefied gas tanker. 
  2. The subject vessel must be carrying a cargo which is listed in any of the following while the applicant was serving on that vessel: 
    1. Appendix I of annex I of the protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (MARPOL)
    2. Chapter 17 of the International Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (IBC code) or chapter VI of the Code of safe practice for solid bulk cargoes (BC code).
    3. Chapter 19 of the International Code of the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk (IGC code) or chapter XIX of the Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk (GC code).
  3. You were engaged in cargo operation on board that vessel in the capacity as master, deck officer, ship’s engineer engaged in cargo operation, and provides documentary evidence of that service.

Oil means a kind of cargo which satisfies the definition of Regulation 1.1 of Appendix 1 of Annex 1 of MARPOL.

Oil tanker means a cargo ship that meets the definition of Annex 1 of the Protocol of 1978 relating to MARPOL.

Chemical means any chemicals listed in Chapter 17 of the IBC code or Chapter VI of the BC code. 

Chemical tanker means a cargo ship that meets the definition of IBC code or BC code; listed in either of the following:

  1. Chapter 17 of the IBC code.
  2. Chapter VI of the BC code.

Liquefied gas means any liquefied gas or other products listed in Chapter 19 of the IGC code or Chapter XIX of the GC code.

Gas carrier is a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other products listed in either of the following:

  1. Chapter 19 of the IGC code.
  2. Chapter XIX of the GC  code

Advanced tanker courses completed overseas 

If you hold a master or deck or engineer certificate of competency and live overseas, advanced oil, chemical and gas courses completed overseas in eligible countries may be recognised by AMSA for the initial issue or revalidation of the endorsement providing you satisfy the requirements below. 


Before we can accept the advanced tanker course you have completed overseas in eligible countries, for initial issue you are required to:

  • Be a resident overseas—permanently living in a country other than Australia.
  • Contact the country’s flag State administration to obtain information regarding the location of an approved course provider IN that country.
  • Make sure you are completing the course IN the country which has an agreement with Australia.
  • On completion of the course, obtain a course completion certificate which contains your name, the title of the course, STCW regulation number, issue date and name and contact details of the overseas course provider.
  • You must obtain a letter from the overseas course provider that states the course is approved by the administration of that country and you have attended the course.

(Example: If you completed an advanced tanker course in India, which has an agreement with Australia, and at an Indian maritime training organisation that was approved by the Directorate General of Shipping, India, AMSA will recognise the course.)

Floating production storage and offloading vessels and floating storage units

Floating production storage and offloading vessels and floating storage units are vessels adapted primarily for a purpose other than to transport oil and are therefore excluded from this definition. However, due to the nature of operation, we will accept sea service gained on board floating production storage and offloading vessels and floating storage units in the capacity as master, deck officer, or ship's engineer engaged in cargo operation as approved sea service to obtain an oil tanker endorsement or revalidate an oil tanker endorsement.

Sea service on offshore support vessels and drilling platforms does not count for issue of a tanker endorsement.

To obtain or revalidate an oil tanker endorsement, a person is required to comply with Schedule 2, Table 2.1 or Table 2.3 of  Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 .

Combined cargo vessels

Service on a combined oil/bulk/ore vessel is acceptable provided that during the claimed period of sea service the vessel carried oil cargoes. Service where oil is carried one way and ore the other is acceptable.

Where tankers have a designation to carry both petroleum and chemical products or gas tankers also carry chemical products, you must supply a letter from the company—on company letterhead—indicating the cargoes carried and the periods of time each cargo is carried in your application for a tanker endorsement. You must meet the full sea service requirement for each endorsement and cannot claim the same sea service for more than one endorsement.

To obtain or revalidate an oil, chemical or gas tanker endorsement you are required to comply with Schedule 2, Table 2.1 or Table 2.3 of  Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 .

Service as cadet or trainee without watchkeeping certificate of competency

Service as a cadet or trainee without a watchkeeping certificate of competency will not count for the issue of a tanker endorsement unless you have completed the following form of training:

  1. The cadet must have a log of all cargo operations (loading, discharge, tank washing etc), times, dates, port and duties in a designated training book or other appropriate format, which must record your full name and details and signature. This log should be signed off by the officer of the watch and certified by the master of the vessel.
  2. The logged entries must comply with the periods as set out in Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 —over a minimum of 3 months with 3 loads and 3 discharges—and this period of service must be verified by a copy of the letter from the company on their letterhead.

If this training cannot be completed, you can:

  1. Show evidence of at least 6 months service on appropriate tanker vessels, verified by a copy of a letter from the company on their letterhead, confirming the full summary of details of the sea service and testimonials to the tanker cargo assistance abilities of the cadet

The cadet must have completed an approved advanced tanker safety course appropriate to the tanker endorsement being sought.

Revalidation of tanker endorsement

You must have completed one of the following:

  • Approved sea service, performing functions appropriate for the endorsement, for a total period of at least 3 months during the 5 years before the date of application for the revalidation
  • Have completed the appropriate seafarer training course within the 5 years before the date of application.

The appropriate course of training is:

  1. Oil tanker—a course of training that complies with STCW code section A-V/1-1 paragraph 2
  2. Chemical tanker—a course of training that complies with STCW code section A-V/1-1, paragraph 3
  3. Liquefied gas tanker—a course of training that complies with STCW code section A-V/1-2, paragraph 2.
Wing-in-ground-effect type A craft (ground effect vehicle)

To get this endorsement on your certificate of competency, you must have completed approved training and approved assessment appropriate for the endorsement.

You can contact us to verify if the training meets the requirement.

Basic and advanced polar code endorsement

To get a basic polar code endorsement you must complete AMSA-approved training for ships operating in polar waters that complies with STCW Code section A-V/4, paragraph 1.

To get an advanced polar code endorsement you must meet training and sea service requirements:  

  1. At least 2 months of approved seagoing service in the deck department, at management level or while performing watchkeeping duties at the operational level, within polar waters, or other equivalent approved seagoing service as per STCW Regulation V/4.4.2; and
  2. Complete AMSA-approved advanced training for ships operating in polar waters that complies with STCW Code section A-V/4, paragraph 2.

To revalidate these endorsements

You must have completed one of the following:

  • Approved sea service, performing duties appropriate for the endorsement, for a total period of at least 2 months in the past 5 years, on vessels operating in polar waters.
  • Performed functions AMSA considers equivalent to approved sea going service.
  • The appropriate course of training within the 5 years immediately before the date of application.

Polar code courses completed overseas

If you hold a master or deck certificate of competency and live overseas basic and advanced Polar Code courses completed overseas in eligible countries may be recognised by AMSA for the initial issue or revalidation of the endorsement, providing you satisfy the requirements below.


Before we can accept the basic and advanced Polar Code course you have completed overseas in eligible countries for initial issue you are required to:

  • Be a resident overseas — permanently living in a country other than Australia.
  • Contact the country’s flag State administration to obtain information regarding the location of an approved course provider IN that country.
  • Make sure you are completing the course IN the country which has an agreement with Australia.
  • On completion of the course, obtain a course completion certificate which contains your name, the title of the course, STCW regulation number, issue date and name and contact details of the overseas course provider.
  • You must obtain a letter from the overseas course provider that states the course is approved by the administration of that country and you have attended the course.

 (Example: If you completed an advanced Polar Code course in Canada, which has an agreement with Australia, and at a Canadian maritime training organisation that was approved by Transport Canada, AMSA will recognise the course.)

Basic and advanced International Code of safety for ships using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels (IGF) endorsement

To get a basic IGF Code endorsement you must meet one of the following:

  • Complete AMSA-approved training that complies with STCW Code section A-V/3.1 (Basic IGF Code) in the past 5 years.
  • Hold a valid basic or advanced liquefied gas tanker endorsement on your certificate that complies with STCW Code section A-V/3.1.2.

To get an advanced IGF Code endorsement you must meet one of the following:

  • Complete AMSA-approved advanced IGF Code training and at least 1 month sea service in the past 5 years. This sea service must be completed on and include at least 3 bunkering operations on vessels to which the IGF Code applies as per STCW Regulation V/3.8.2.
  • Have a valid advanced liquefied gas tanker endorsement on your certificate and have completed at least 3 months sea service in the past 5 years. This sea service must be completed on either a vessel that meets the IGF Code or is a tanker carrying gas or low flashpoint fuel as cargo or is a vessel using gas or low-flashpoint fuel as fuel. This sea service must include at least 3 bunkering operations (for IGF vessels) or 3 loading and unloading operations (for gas tankers) as per STCW Regulation V/3.9.

To revalidate these endorsements

You must have completed one of the following:

  • At least 3 months of approved sea service in the past 5 years on vessels to which the IGF Code applies.
  • Appropriate course of training within the 5 years immediately before the date of application

IGF Code courses completed overseas

If you hold a master or deck or engineer certificate of competency and live overseas, basic and advanced IGF Code courses completed overseas in eligible countries may be recognised by AMSA for the initial issue or revalidation of the endorsement – providing you satisfy the requirements below.


Before we can accept the basic and advanced IGF Code course you have completed overseas in eligible countries, for initial issue you are required to:

  • Be a resident overseas — permanently living in a country other than Australia.
  • Contact the country’s flag State administration to obtain information regarding the location of an approved course provider IN that country.
  • Make sure you are completing the course IN the country which has an agreement with Australia.
  • On completion of the course, obtain a course completion certificate which contains your name, the title of the course, STCW regulation number, issue date and name and contact details of the overseas course provider.
  • You must obtain a letter from the overseas course provider that states the course is approved by the administration of that country and you have attended the course.

(Example: If you completed an advanced IGF Code course in India, which has an agreement with Australia, and at an Indian maritime training organisation that was approved by the Indian Directorate General of Shipping, AMSA will recognise the course.)

Important disclaimer

These instructions are summary information only. We make decisions about seafarer certificates under Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 , Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2023 , Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 , Marine Order 73 (Ratings) 2014 and Marine Order 74 (Master and deck officers – yachts) 2015 . Please refer to these marine orders for full details of eligibility and other requirements for certificate applications.

Last updated: 24 December 2024