The oral examination is to be conducted to the grade of certificate and the examination questions will assess the candidate’s operational knowledge relevant to the grade of certificate.
Candidates who hold a primary certificate of competency or license issued by a maritime administration recognised by AMSA the examiner will sample the candidate’s level of operational knowledge to the extent considered necessary by the examiner. If the examiner discovers an area of weakness they will examine to a greater depth and expand the scope of the examination.
Candidates who hold a primary certificate of competency or license issued by a maritime administration not recognised by AMSA will undergo a full orals examination and may be required to undertake additional training as required by AMSA.
Additionally, all candidates for a certificate of recognition will be examined in Australian maritime legislation, OH&S requirements, ISPS Code, MLC Convention and keeping a safe watch as detailed below:
- Master, Master less than 3000 gross tonnage, Chief mate and Chief mate less than 3000 gross tonnage
- Statutory certification
- Certificates and documents required to be carried on board all ships
- Additional certificates and documents required on the ship types you have sailed on
- Survey frequency and validity requirements
- Role and function of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) including:
- Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) including the role of the Maritime Emergency Response Commander (MERCOM)
- Modernised Australian Ship Tracking Reporting System (MASTREP)
- Statutory surveys
- Reporting of incidents
- Marine orders
- Marine notices
- Navigation Act 2012
- International Safety Management (ISM) Code
- MARPOL with particular emphasis to the Great Barrier Reef
- Flag State Inspections
- Port State Control
- Medical Inspectors of Seafarers.
- Certificate of Registry:
- Registration of Ships
- Information contained within
- Period of validity
- Procedure in event of loss or destruction of Register.
- Assistance overseas: Role of the Australian Consul to assist the Master.
- Documentation required to be presented on signing on:
- Officers
- Ratings
- Procedure for verifying authenticity of Australian seafarers’ Certificates.
- Entries to be made in Official Log Book:
- Dedicated pages
- Narrative section may to include disciplinary procedures.
- Seafarers Agreement and List of crew:
- Format of Seafarers Agreement and List of Crew
- Engagement and discharge
- Law relating to young persons
- Role of Master as Company Agent.
- Repatriation of Seafarers
- Death onboard:
- Crew member or passenger
- Personal effects.
- Role of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) including REPCON Marine.
- Provision of Muster, Drills and Training on board.
- Application of the Occupational, Health & Safety (Maritime Industry) Act.
- Application and purpose of the Seacare Authority Code of Practice Approval 2018 - Health and Safety in Shipboard Work including Offshore Support Vessels.
- Application of the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) as it relates to Australia.
- Application of the Maritime Labour Convention and marine order 11.
- Application of marine order 28 and marine order 30.
- Statutory certification
- Watchkeeper deck
- Role and function of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), including:
- Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) including the role of the Maritime Emergency Response Commander (MERCOM)
- Modernised Australian Ship Tracking Reporting System (MASTREP)
- Statutory surveys
- Reporting incidents
- Marine orders
- Marine notices
- Navigation Act 2012
- International Safety Management (ISM)
- MARPOL with particular emphasis to the Great Barrier Reef
- Flag Sate inspections
- Port State control.
- Role of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB).
- Provision of Muster, Drills and Training on board.
- The application of the Occupational, Health & Safety (Maritime Industry) Act.
- Application and purpose of the Seacare Authority Code of Practice Approval 2018 - Health and Safety in Shipboard Work including Offshore Support Vessels
- The application of the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) as it relates to Australia.
- The application of the Australian legislation contained in marine order 28 and marine order 30.
- Application of the Maritime Labour Convention.
- Role and function of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), including:
- Engineer class 1 and class 2
- Statutory Certification
- Certificates and Documents required to be carried on board all ships;
- Additional Certificate and Documents required on ship types you have sailed on; and,
- Survey frequency and validity requirements.
- Role and function of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), including:
- Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) including the role of the Maritime Emergency Response Commander (MERCOM)
- Statutory surveys
- Reporting incidents
- Marine orders
- Marine notices
- Navigation Act 2012
- International Safety Management (ISM)
- MARPOL with particular emphasis to the Great Barrier Reef
- Flag State Inspections
- Port State control.
- Role of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) including REPCON Marine.
- Provision of Muster, Drills and Training on board.
- The application of the Occupational, Health & Safety (Maritime Industry) Act.
- Application and purpose of the Seacare Authority Code of Practice Approval 2018 - Health and Safety in Shipboard Work including Offshore Support Vessels
- Knowledge of entries to be made in Official Log Book.
- Dedicated pages
- Narrative section to include disciplinary procedures.
- Entries to be made in the Oil Record Books, Part 1 and 2.
- The application of the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) as it relates to Australia.
- The application of the Australian legislation contained in marine order 28.
- Application of Maritime Labour Convention.
- Statutory Certification
- Engineer Watchkeeper
- Role and function of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), including:
- Statutory surveys
- Reporting incidents
- Marine orders
- Marine notices
- Navigation Act 2012
- International Safety Management (ISM)
- MARPOL with particular emphasis to the Great Barrier Reef
- Flag Sate Inspections
- Port State control.
- Role of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) including REPCON Marine.
- Provision of Muster, Drills and Training on board.
- Application of the Occupational, Health & Safety (Maritime Industry) Act.
- Application and purpose of the Seacare Authority Code of Practice Approval 2018 - Health and Safety in Shipboard Work including Offshore Support Vessels
- Application of the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) as it relates to Australia.
- Application of the Australian legislation contained in marine order 28.
- Application of the Maritime Labour Convention.
- Role and function of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), including: