Engineering qualifications for RAN seaman officers and ratings

How to get a engineering qualifications recognized if you are a Royal Australian Navy (RAN) seaman officer.

When you apply for a sea service assessment you must also supply a letter and sufficient documents, which may include PMKeyS printouts, Fleet activity schedules and Fleet generation plans from the RAN explaining their employment detail in terms of watchkeeping on main propulsion or auxiliary machinery, day-work maintenance, or others. The list of required documents will be listed on the checklist generated on the Seafarer form 419.

We have assessed the following RAN service and qualifications as suitable for entry into the appropriate certificate of competency oral assessment. The RAN has converted all of its previously recognised certificates—for example machinery charge certificates—into the relevant certificates named in the information noted below. If you have documents in the old style RAN nomenclature/terminology you should apply to the RAN for assessment of their qualifications and re-classification into the new RAN nomenclature/terminology.

Engineer watchkeeper requirements

For issue of an Engineer watchkeeper certificate of competency you are required to:

  • Hold or have held at least the rank and rate of Leading seaman marine technical.
  • Hold a RAN advanced certificate in marine propulsion maintenance or certificate in engineering.
  • Have served at least 36 weeks qualifying sea service on RAN vessels or other vessels with propulsion power of 750 kilowatts or more, while holding at least a RAN Machinery watchkeeping certificate or a Marine systems controller.
  • Have completed an approved course of study from an AMSA approved training provider for an Engineer watchkeeper which complies with STCW Code section A-III/1.
  • Have completed the following approved STCW short courses:
    • Basic safety training course, which includes security awareness training
    • Advanced fire fighting
    • Medical first aid on board ships
    • Certificate in proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats.
  • Hold the following valid certificates:
    • AMSA Certificate of medical fitness.

Applicant will also need to pass an oral examination before being issued a certificate.

Engineer class 2 requirements

For issue of an Engineer class 2 certificate of competency you are required to:

  • Hold or have held at least the rank and rate of Petty officer marine technical
  • RAN Advanced diploma of engineering in marine systems maintenance or a Diploma of engineering
  • Have at least 12 months qualifying sea service on vessels with propulsion power of 750 kilowatts or more while holding an RAN MT Engine room watchkeeping certificate or a Marine systems manager certificate
  • Have completed an AMSA approved course of study from an AMSA approved training provider for an Engineer class 2 and Engineer watchkeeper
  • Have completed the following approved STCW short courses:
    • Basic safety training course, which includes Security awareness training
    • Advanced fire fighting
    • Medical first aid on board ships
    • Certificate in proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
  • Hold the following valid certificates:
    • AMSA Certificate of medical fitness.

You will also need to pass an oral examination before being issued a certificate.

Engineer class 1 requirements

For issue of an Engineer class 1 certificate of competency an applicant is required to meet the requirements of Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 as follows:

  • Hold or have held at least the rank and rate of Chief petty officer marine technical
  • RAN Advanced diploma of engineering in marine systems
  • Have completed at least 36 months sea service in charge of an engine room watch on ships greater than or equal to 750 kilowatts propulsion power of the kind to which the certificate relates:
    • while holding an RAN Machinery watchkeeping certificate or Marine systems controller certificate, of which at least 12 months was on ships greater than or equal to 3000 kilowatts using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate relates
    • while holding a RAN Charge certificate
  • Complete an AMSA approved course of study from an AMSA approved training provider for an Engineer class 1
  • Have completed the following approved STCW short courses:
    • Basic safety training course, which includes security awareness training
    • Advanced fire fighting
    • Medical first aid on board ships
    • Certificate in Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats
  • Hold the following valid certificates:
    • AMSA Certificate of Medical Fitness.

You will also need to pass an oral examination before being issued a certificate.

Electro technical officer (ETO) Certificate of competency 2 requirements

For issue of an ETO certificate of competency a RAN applicant is required to meet the requirements detailed in Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014, which may be completed during relevant RAN service and training, on board appropriate RAN vessels and:

  • Have completed an approved training course that:
    • includes a program of workshop skills training.
    • complies with STCW Code section A-III/6 and includes the following:
      • training in advanced fire fighting (that complies with STCW Code section A VI/3)
      • training in medical first aid
      • security awareness training.
  • Have completed at least 6 months documented qualifying seagoing service on vessels with a total installed electrical generation capacity of greater than or equal to 750 kilowatts as part of an approved training program.
  • Have completed an approved course of basic safety training that includes security awareness training.
  • Hold a certificate of proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats.
  • Hold a valid AMSA medical fitness certificate.
  • You will also need to pass an oral examination before being issued a certificate.

Qualifying sea service

Qualifying sea service that is documented in the RAN is counted in full as engineering sailor in engineering department.

Qualifying sea service must have been accrued on ships using propulsion of the kind to which the certificate of competency relates. Service on gas turbine ships will count in full towards the total required qualifying sea service for the following:

  • Engineer watchkeeper certificate: 20 weeks
  • Engineer class 2 certificate: 6 months
  • Engineer class 1 certificate: 6 months.

RAN sea service on day work may count to the same quantity as allowed for in Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, and Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014. However the service must be related to engine room duties.

We will recognise RAN qualifications as qualifying sea service towards an Engineer certificate of competency.

Once you have gained entry into the AMSA certificate structure by obtaining an AMSA Certificate of competency, all sea service for future certificates commences from that time (previous sea service does not count for additional certificates at a later date).

Last updated: 21 March 2025