Expected delays due to Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal

This is a domestic Certificate of Competency for operating in Australian waters.
This certificate lets you act as a chief engineer, or a second engineer on certain vessels.

This certificate will allow you to work as:

  • Chief engineer on vessels with inboard engines with propulsion power up to 750 kilowatts within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
  • Chief or second engineer on a vessel with outboard engines with unlimited propulsion power within the EEZ.
  • Second engineer on vessels with inboard engines with propulsion power up to 1500 kilowatts within the EEZ.
  • An assistant under the general supervision of the chief engineer.
  • In the engine room of a vessel with propulsion power up to 3000 kilowatts within the EEZ.


To be eligible for a Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal certificate you must:

  • Be at least 16 years of age on the certificate issue date
  • Be able to speak and understand English, including written documents
  • Be medically fit for the duties, including eyesight
  • Gain any needed sea service
  • Complete training

For more information, select what you need to apply for below.


Trade qualification assessment

AMSA does not assess trade qualifications. If you hold a trade qualification not listed in Marine Order 505, you will need to get assessed as equivalent to one that is listed. An RTO who delivers one of the qualifications or trades listed in Marine Order 505 can do this through recognition of prior learning (RPL).  We will accept a letter of equivalence from this RTO once your trade has been assessed as equivalent.

Please note: An RTO may request you to do skills gap training.

Important disclaimer

These instructions are summary information only. We make decisions about seafarer certificates under

New certificate

What do I need to do?

To obtain this certificate you will need to:

Meet medical and eyesight requirements

Download the:

1. Certificate of medical fitness for domestic seafarers

The Certificate of medical fitness for domestic seafarers form 1850 lets us know that you are medically fit for working at sea.

2. Standards for the medical assessment of domestic seafarers

Provide a medical practitioner with the Standards for the medical assessment of domestic seafarers and have them fill out the Certificate of medical fitness for domestic seafarers form 1850.

If you have a current AMSA medical (Certificate of medical fitness form 303), you can use this instead.

You will need to attach your completed medical form to your application.

Provide evidence of sea service

You need to show you have experience working at sea in an engineering capacity, performing duties as an engineer, engine driver, assistant to an engineer or engine driver, or as a general purpose hand.

You can reduce the amount of sea service you need by completing an AMSA task book. If you have completed a task book, you must attach a copy of the seafarer details page to your application.

With a completed AMSA task book, you will need:

  • 180 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts
  • 90 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts while holding a workshop skills equivalent qualification

Without an AMSA task book, you will need:

  • 360 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts
  • 180 days on commercial vessels with inboard diesel engines at least 150 kilowatts while holding a workshop skills equivalent qualification

If you have an existing certificate of competency or qualification, you must attach a copy to your application.

You need to submit at least one of the following as proof of qualifying sea service:

  • Record of sea service form 771
  • the on board sea service record from your task book
  • a letter from the vessel operator, owner, master or chief engineer detailing your sea service.
  • an approved sea service log book

Read more about qualifying sea service.

If you want a task book

You can get a Marine engine driver grade 2 task book from us or from some registered training organisations. To order a task book directly from us, use the AMSA chargeable publications order form.

Read more about task books.

Complete a training course

Complete a marine engine driver grade 2 course at a registered training organisation.

You will need to submit your course completion certificate or your interim certificate of competency with your application.

Meet additional requirements

You must also hold a valid HLTAID011 Provide first aid certificate, or equivalent.

If you do not hold this certificate contact a registered training organisation.

Pass a final assessment at a registered training organisation

Before being issued your certificate of competency you are required to complete an AMSA Mandated Practical Assessment (AMPA) conducted by a registered training organisation approved by us as a final assessor.

Refer to the syllabus document to find out what may be included in your final assessment.

After passing the final assessment, the registered training organisation may give you an interim certificate of competency that will allow you to start working immediately. To be eligible for the interim certificate of competency, you must have completed your Certificate of competency application form 426 including signing the declaration.

You must submit the cover page of your completed AMPA with your application.

Complete and submit a certificate of competency application

To apply, complete and submit the Certificate of competency application form 426.

Read more about completing and submitting your application for a domestic certificate.

Certificate renewal

A Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal certificate of competency is generally valid for five years. To keep working using your certificate, you need to renew it every five years.

What do I need to do?

To renew your certificate, you will need to:

Meet medical and eyesight requirements

You must complete a declaration of medical fitness on the Certificate of competency application form 426. This lets us know that you are medically fit, and that your eyesight meets the necessary standard, to work at sea.

Provide evidence of sea service

You do not need any sea service to renew a Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal certificate of competency.

Provide existing certificates

You must submit a copy of your:

  • existing Marine engine driver grade 2
  • valid HLTAID011 Provide first aid certificate, or equivalent.
Complete and submit a certificate of competency application

To apply, complete and submit the Certificate of competency application form 426.

Read more about completing and submitting your application for a domestic certificate.

Endorsements and restrictions

You may apply for the following endorsements on your certificate:

  • endorsement as chief engineer on vessels with steam propulsion less than 750 kilowatts

Endorsement as chief engineer on vessels with steam propulsion less than 750 kilowatts

What do I need to do?

To obtain this endorsement you will need to:

1. Meet medical and eyesight requirements

You must complete a declaration of medical fitness on the Certificate of competency application form 426. This lets us know that you are medically fit, and that your eyesight meets the necessary standard, to work at sea.

2. Provide evidence of sea service

You will need to show 100 hours of sea service:

  • on vessels with steam propulsion power up to 750 kilowatts
  • while performing duties as an assistant to an engineer or engine driver, or as a general purpose hand.

You will also need to complete an AMSA steam task book.

Attach a copy of the seafarer details page from your task book to your application.

You need to submit at least one of the following as proof of qualifying sea service:

  • Record of sea service form 771
  • the on board sea service record from your task book
  • a letter from the vessel operator, owner, master or chief engineer detailing your sea service
  • an approved sea service log book

Read more about qualifying sea service.

To get a task book

To get a steam task book contact us.

3. Meet additional requirements

You must also hold:

  • a valid HLTAID011 Provide first aid certificate, or equivalent.
  • hold a high risk work licence for standard boiler operation issued by a State or Territory authority responsible for work health and safety legislation.
4. Provide existing certificates

Submit a copy of your existing Marine engine driver grade 2 certificate.

5. Complete and submit a certificate of competency application

To apply, complete and submit the Certificate of competency application form 426

Read more about completing and submitting your application for a domestic certificate.

6. Pass a final assessment

You need to pass a final assessment before getting your certificate of competency. Once we have assessed your application, you will be invited to contact AMSA Connect to book your final assessment. We will take payment of the examination fee and confirm your booking.

Refer to the syllabus document and the examiner checklist to find out what may be included in your final assessment.

When you pass the final assessment, you will be given an interim certificate of competency so that you can start working immediately.

If you do not pass the final assessment, you will be able to try again. Your assessor will advise you when you can book your resit. You will ahve to pay the fee each time you sit for the final assessment.

Related information

If you would like to find out more about endorsements, refer to the National Regulator Endorsements Approval 2014 PDF255.78 KB.

Equivalent certificate

If you hold any of the following certificates, we welcome you to apply for a Marine engine driver grade 2 certificate of competency as an equivalent certificate:

  • Electro-technical officer

What do I need to do?

To get a Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal, you will need to:

Meet medical and eyesight requirements

You must complete a declaration of medical fitness on the Certificate of competency application form 426. This lets us know that you are medically fit, and that your eyesight meets the necessary standard, to work at sea.

Provide existing certificate

As part of your application for an equivalent certificate you must submit a copy of your:

  • existing certificate of competency
  • valid HLTAID011 Provide first aid certificate, or equivalent.
Complete and submit a certificate of competency application

To apply, complete and submit the Certificate of competency application form 426.

Read more about completing and submitting your application for a domestic certificate.

Last updated: 6 January 2023