Personal growth

At AMSA, we believe in supporting you to be the best version of yourself.

Flexible work

We understand that people have a life beyond the workplace. That's why we offer flexible working arrangements, to help you get your work/life balance right.

Flexible working at AMSA includes options like working hybrid and part time hours, compressed hours, job sharing and staggered start and finish times.

"As someone who has a young family and works remotely, I value the ability to work flexible hours so that I can do day-care drop off and pick up - this work- life balance has allowed me to be more present in both my work and family life."

- Ashani, Human Resources team

Transition to retirement

We know that transitioning to retirement is a significant change. That's why we believe a well-considered retirement plan helps employees maintain their wellbeing whilst making a smooth transition from the workforce.

Through our transition to retirement program employees receive ongoing support to tailor their work arrangements to suit the changes in their life commitments and work preferences (for example, a desire to shift their focus to coaching and mentoring).

Uncharted waters: Bob tells us about his transition to retirement

Bob from our Cairns office, has always had a passion for helping people. In transitioning to retirement he is able to share his knowledge and experience in a mentoring role.

Bob's decision to retire did not come lightly.

"Whilst I enjoy the stimulation, pace and purpose that the job has given me, there are several personal priorities looming that I had not anticipated when I first started with AMSA.

I feel now that it is necessary to invest some time in focusing on my physical and psychological wellbeing. There are also many practical aspects in the journey, such as downsizing and attending to a raft of tasks associated with your change of pace, in life."

Bob's story is an example of how we're applying a people-focussed approach to retirement.

"I'm going to transition to a three-day working week for the next nine months. During that time, I'll 'buddy' with the new staff member to transfer my personal knowledge of the role and build up their capabilities. Up until my last day, I expect I will be as committed to the work as I was when I first started this role.

For me, it is about the personal investment in the process that provides the stimulus and sense of purpose."

See current job opportunities

Last updated: 6 March 2025