Our AMSA stories
Every day is different
Our Port Marine Surveyors help protect seafarers and our precious marine and coastal environments by enforcing international and Australian safety standards on ships operating in Australian waters. Hear from our Port Marine Surveyor Captain Ashish Malik on what motivates him every day.
No 2 days are ever the same for our marine inspectors. In their own words, Abby Martin and Thomas Parsons share what they love about working with industry to ensure safe vessel operations in Australia.
Passionate and dedicated teams

Elesha - Vessel Operations
"At AMSA I am surrounded by passionate colleagues and subject experts, and I greatly enjoy brainstorming as a team and drawing upon their knowledge to find positive outcomes for our customers. I genuinely identify with AMSA’s values and am surrounded by likeminded people. The support and encouragement I have received from my colleagues since I began my career at AMSA has been incredible. Every day I learn something new. I enjoy coming to work every day, and find the work fast paced, interesting, and rewarding. "
Opportunities for career growth and promotion
Nathan – Maritime Regulation
"My career at AMSA started in 2017 as a Customer Service Officer in AMSA's contact centre, known as AMSA Connect. This role provided a strong foundation and over the next 5 years I have taken on a number of different roles within AMSA including positions within the Corporate Services, Operations and Policy and Regulation divisions. In my current role as Advisor Domestic Maritime Regulation, I feel fortunate to be able to contribute to domestic maritime safety policy and help AMSA in achieve our mission of safe and clean seas, saving lives. "
A flexible work environment
Sarah - Communications
"The last few years have been a testament to the type of workplace AMSA is, always adapting to change and putting their employees first. As well as the pandemic, in the last 2 years I have become a single mother, my own mother passed away and I bought a house. The support I have received, and the flexibility and stability that AMSA has provided, and continues to provide, has allowed me to get through this time without the worry of my job being at risk. Through all this AMSA has been my rock - the constant in my life that gave me a focus and opportunity to throw myself into work when I need it the most. "
The diversity of the people at AMSA (as at March 2025):
- 1% come from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background
- 16% have caring responsibilities
- 17% were born in non-English speaking countries
- 1.9% live with a disability
- 45.5% are women
- 24% speak other languages in addition to English
- 4% identify as LGBTQIA+
- 17.2% are younger (under 35)
- 23% are older (over 55)