Index of safety alerts

Access AMSA safety alerts for domestic commercial vessels and the international shipping community.
Safety alert numberTitleAccess

Structural failures and improper stowage of cargo transport units in Australian ports

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of structural and stowage requirements for shipping containers and other CTUs in Australian ports.

International Safety Alert 01/2025

Recommendations from the investigation into the fire and loss of the passenger vessel Conception

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of recommendations made by the United States National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), following the investigation into the fire that resulted in 34 fatalities and subsequent loss of the passenger vessel Conception.

DCV Safety Alert 03/2023

Risks Associated with the Carriage of Battery Electric Vehicles

This safety alert provides guidance to operators of domestic commercial vessels (DCVs) on risks associated with the carriage of battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) on roll-on, roll-off (RORO) ferries, and how best to deal with these risks.

DCV Safety Alert 02/2023 




Safe access to domestic commercial vessels

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of the risk involved with getting on and off domestic commercial vessels.

DCV Safety Alert 01/2023

Planned maintenance on domestic commercial vessels

This marine notice draws the attention of vessel operators to the importance of planned maintenance in ensuring safe operation of domestic commercial vessels.

DCV safety alert 1/2022
02/2021Correct use of hydrostatic release units, for both float-free life rafts and float-free EPIRBS.DCV safety alert 2/2021

Float-free EPIRBs—New requirements commencing 1 January 2021 

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of the need for owners, operators, masters and crew of certain domestic commercial vessels (DCVs) to install a float-free emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) before 1 January 2021.

DCV safety alert 8/2020

National Law certificates of competency—further arrangements for COVID-19.

The purpose of this safety alert is to advise vessel owners, operators, masters, and crews that the we have taken steps to allow holders of National Law certificates of competency and first aid certificates to continue to perform their duties even if their certificate expires during the period between 26 March 2020 and 31 January 2021. 

DCV safety alert 7/2020 

Recommendations from the coronial inquiry into the loss of FV Cassandra and FV Dianne 

This safety alert promotes recommendations made by the coroner following the inquiry into loss of the fishing vessels FV Cassandra and FV Dianne. We encourage fishing-vessel operators to review these recommendations and consider implementing the suggested safety measures.

DCV safety alert 6/2020

Fire prevention and protection safety alert 

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of measures to ensure the fire risks on your vessel are appropriately managed.

DCV safety alert 5/2020



Fixed (passive) fin stabilisers

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of the risks associated with the use of fixed-fin stabilisers on fishing vessels. It is important to note that incorrect use of fixed stabilisers can lead to an accident and even cause a vessel to capsize.

DCV safety alert 4/2020 

Extension of National Law certificates of competency

The aim of this safety alert is to advise vessel owners, operators, masters, coxswains and crews that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has taken steps to extend the duration of all National Law certificates of competency.

DCV safety alert 3/2020

Dangerous marine fauna

This safety alert aims to raise awareness on the risks posed by dangerous marine fauna.

DCV Safety alert 2/2020

Risk of explosion due to petrol vapours.

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of the risk associated with explosion due to the accumulation of petrol vapours.

DCV Safety Alert: 2/2019

Kapok lifejackets 

This safety alert aims to raise awareness of the risks associated with the use of out of date, and dangerous, kapok filled lifejackets.

DCV Safety Alert: 1/2019
Last updated: 19 March 2025