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World Maritime Day 2022—New technologies for greener shipping

Thursday 29 September 2022
Australia is proud to join the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other shipping nations in celebration of World Maritime Day.
World Maritime Day 2022

The theme this year-New technologies for greener shipping-highlights the significant need to protect and preserve the environment through the adoption of new technologies that empower us to address decarbonisation of the global shipping fleet. 

While shipping is the world's most energy efficient method of mass-cargo transport, the shipping industry still contributes over 2% of the world's carbon emissions. Harnessing new, greener technologies will make a significant contribution towards addressing climate change and meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development goals.  

The IMO's initial goal is to reduce shipping's total annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008, while pursuing efforts to phase them out, consistent with the Paris Agreement temperature goals. Technological innovation and the global introduction of alternative fuels and energy sources for international shipping is key to achieving this ambition.  

Australia proactively supports this through influencing and implementing IMO environment regulation and investing heavily in alternate fuels, with the potential to produce 3 million tonnes of green hydrogen per annum by 2040 (Australian Renewable Energy Agency, 2022).  

To celebrate the global shipping industry's focus on climate change, Australia will join other countries around the world in illuminating prominent buildings in blue and green-from Australia House in London, to the Australian Maritime Museum in Sydney. In addition, Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse in Western Australia, Flagstaff Lighthouse and Macquarie Lighthouse in New South Wales will join the celebrations with their own light display this evening. 

Australia has also chosen this most auspicious day for the global maritime sector, to announce its candidacy for re-election to category b of the IMO Council for the 2024-25 biennium. 

The IMO sets standards for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. Australia's continued participation on the IMO Council allows us to help position the maritime industry to be resilient and responsive to change by shaping standards for the protection of the environment, seafarer conditions, international trade and sea transport. 

Learn more at 

AMSA CEO Mick Kinley talks about AMSA's role in relation to new technologies to support greener shipping.

IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim speaks about how IMO's work to address climate change through technologies for a greener shipping.

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