Expected delays due to Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Watertight and weathertight integrity in focus for ships visiting Australian ports

Thursday 6 April 2023
Hatch cover on a ship

Port State Control inspection data shows that watertight and weathertight integrity remains a persistent and concerning issue for vessels in Australian waters, making up 9% of detainable deficiencies in 2021.

These deficiencies often reflect a failure of the planned maintenance program to specifically address watertight and weathertight integrity issues in areas such as watertight doors, cargo hatches and hatchways, ballast tanks and cargo hold venting and overboard sea water valves.

Avoid sunk costs: keep your ship watertight

The risk of being detected and detained by AMSA - even banned from Australian ports - for serious breaches of international conventions, is a very real one with significant financial and reputational costs to operators.

Find it, fix it, and keep your ship watertight

Watertight and weathertight components are exposed to wear and tear over time. Routine checks will help pick up maintenance issues before they become a problem, and avoid potential consequences such as injury, loss of life, technical specialist and equipment costs, dry docking, or even lawsuits over environmental damage.

Want more information?

Ship owners, operators, masters and crew can find more information about Watertight and weathertight integrity for ships visiting Australian ports on our website.

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