Solo sailor rescued in heavy seas off NSW mid-north coast

Friday 30 July 2021
The successful rescue of a solo sailor was coordinated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority on July 28 after the yacht was caught in heavy seas about 45km offshore from South West Rocks on the NSW mid-north coast.
Police rescue boat and yacht being rescued

The vessel activated its emergency beacon around 2pm (AEST) after it lost power and suffered engine problems due to the rough weather.

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter from Lismore located the vessel and established communication with the skipper, who had a dog on board. AMSA's Melbourne-based Challenger aircraft also provided support for the rescue. 

The 10-metre vessel SV Rahmani - which had departed Coffs Harbour earlier in the week on a voyage to Yamba - was towed by Marine Rescue NSW volunteers to Trial Bay.  No injuries were reported.

AMSA Response Centre Manager Kevin McEvoy applauded the efforts of all rescue agencies involved to work together to achieve a positive outcome.

"AMSA wishes to thank the volunteers of Marine Rescue NSW and our partners in NSW Water Police, Westpac Rescue helicopters and Cobham for their support in this rescue," Mr McEvoy said.

"AMSA is committed to working collaboratively with all search and rescue partners and volunteers in Australian waters."

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