Prime Minister Tony Abbott thanks AMSA

Sunday 6 April 2014
The Prime Minister, the Hon. Tony Abbott MP, visited AMSA's Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC Australia) on Friday to meet the staff involved in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
RCC Australia Chief Lynn Walton provides the Prime Minister with an overview of the search operation

The Prime Minister discussed the search with RCC Australia's personnel. He also joined AMSA's Chief Executive Officer Graham Peachey in thanking all those involved for their contribution in a very challenging search, and recognised the professionalism and hardworking ethos of AMSA staff.

"You are the people bringing extraordinary professionalism and commitment to the search and the Australian Government thanks you," Prime Minister Abbott said. "I can't think of better people to handle this difficult task."

The Prime Minister brought some well-earned cheer to the staff who have been working tirelessly since AMSA's involvement in the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 commenced on 17 March.

The search has been a joint agency effort between numerous government agencies and experts from specialist organisations.

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