Maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic

Thursday 26 November 2020
Marine notice 10/2020 supersedes 04/2020, outlining seafarer repatriation requirements during the pandemic.
seafarer at sea

We have received a large number of Maritime Labour Convention complaints since we issued Marine notice 04/2020 on 26 June 2020. 

These complaints relate to the main themes in the notice.

These are:

  • Seafarers serving at sea with expired Seafarer Employment Agreements.
  • No plans for the repatriation of seafarers after their employment agreements expire.
  • The amount of time spent on board by a seafarer being in excess of 11 months.

To read about the number of complaints we have received, and what they relate to, see our information on statistics and the nature of the complaints.

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