Manage your onboard garbage and reduce your impact

Friday 4 June 2021
You have a responsibility not to pollute the sea. Plastic alone takes hundreds of years to breakdown and can be incredibly harmful to marine life.

Australia's marine territory is the third largest in the world, spanning 8.2 million square kilometres (km2). We have an opportunity - and a responsibility - to take care of it.

Generating garbage onboard vessels is unavoidable, but there's no excuse for it ending up overboard. Onboard waste must be contained and disposed of correctly.

Under Australian maritime legislation vessels 100 GT and above or certified to carry 15 or more people, require a Garbage Management Plan that must include written procedures for minimising, collecting, storing and properly disposing of garbage onboard. 

Vessels of 400 GT and above or certified to carry 15 or more people on international voyages are also required to maintain a Garbage Record Book to record all permitted disposals and any accidental loss of garbage overboard. 

Before developing your plan, look at ways you can reduce onboard waste by using reusable packaging and containers and washable utensils rather than single-use plastics.

It has been predicted that without change, plastics in the ocean will outweigh fish by 2050.  Small changes you make now will make a big difference.

Learn more about garbage management.

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