Tuesday 18 February 2025
We want your feedback on proposed changes to Marine Order 16 (Load lines) 2014 (MO16) and Marine Order 19 (Tonnage measurements) 2014 (MO19).

MO16 gives effect to the International Convention on Load Lines. It deals with vessel certification as proof of survey and compliance with the convention, outlines the requirements for vessel markings, and specifies the conditions under which a vessel is overloaded.
MO19 gives effect to the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships. It deals with vessel certification as proof of compliance.
Key proposed changes to MO16 and MO19 include:
- clarifying that if an Australian recreational vessel is a regulated Australian Vessel (RAV) and operates as a commercial yacht, it is subject to the International Convention on Load Lines and falls under the application of MO16
- providing necessary power to AMSA or a recognised organisation (RO) to issue an International Tonnage Certificate to applicable Australian flagged recreational vessels
- providing an option for a domestic commercial vessel (DCV) owner to apply for an International Tonnage Certificate if they want to
- making both marine orders up-to-date, consistent and easy to understand.
Learn more about the proposed changes and have your say until 31 March.