Monday 1 May 2023
Between November 2022 and January 2023, we consulted on changes to Marine Order 504, which contains a certificate of operation and operational requirements for domestic commercial vessels.

The consultation feedback report is now available.
The changes include:
- amending the crewing provisions to ensure alignment with the certificate of competency arrangements in the new MO505.
- simplifying the minimum crewing requirements table format.
- emphasising the need for fatigue to be adequately considered when determining risk-based crewing levels.
- ensuring that the risk assessment (including the appropriate crewing determination) is accessible to the master, crew and enforcement personnel.
- requiring owners to consult with master and crew in the development of risk assessments.
- keeping a copy of the vessel’s safety management system onboard and with onshore personnel.
- adding more specific onboard training and drill requirements for emergency procedures and associated record-keeping requirements.
- strengthening the designated person provision to ensure clear and direct reporting pathways for the escalation of issues.
- clarifying the requirement for lifejacket wear to be addressed in the vessel’s risk assessment and written procedure in the safety management system.
The revised Marine Order 504 (WORD 113.45 KB) is now available on the AMSA website.
These changes will come into effect on 1 August 2023. Learn more about what this means for you.