CEO attends 128th session of the IMO Council in London

Thursday 8 December 2022
This/last week AMSA CEO Mick Kinley attended the 128th session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council in London as the Head of the Australian Delegation.
Mick Kinley with Secretary-General of the IMO Kitack Lim

The IMO is the United Nations specialised agency that regulates the global shipping industry, and in council sessions IMO member States convene to make important decisions shaping the future of the Organization. 

Some of the key issues member States discussed at this council session included livestreaming IMO meetings; the establishment of a gender equity award; the establishment of a Voluntary Multi-Donor Trust Fund; hybrid meeting capability; and NGOs in consultative status. 

Australia has been a member of the IMO council for the last 37 years and we take our role very seriously. We are committed to ensuring the IMO can meet the challenges arising from emerging technologies, expanding global trade and environmental changes. 

With Australia's campaign for re-election into category b of the IMO council for the 2024-25 biennium now underway, our visit to London was a welcome opportunity to discuss our priorities with other IMO member States. Elections for the IMO council will take place at the 33rd session of the IMO Assembly in December 2023. 

While in London the CEO met several female leaders in the maritime industry, including President of the World Maritime University Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry and Principal Secretary, State Department for Shipping and Maritime of Kenya Nancy Karigithu - both women of great calibre who continue to make a significant contribution to maritime. 

Learn more about Australia's contribution at the IMO and claims to category b of the IMO council

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