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Australia joins plastics fight coalition

Friday 21 April 2023
Australia has joined the international High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution by 2040.
turtle caught in a net under clear blue water

Australia has joined the international High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution by 2040 and is committed to achieving this ambition, including global action to address the contribution vessels make to marine plastic litter.  

In late 2022 and early 2023 we consulted with the Australian fishing industry to seek views on the marking of fishing gear and reporting of lost fishing gear. 

Next week at a meeting of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee we will present Australia's positions on the further consideration of  measures to: 

  • reduce marine plastic litter from ships, including requirements for the transportation of plastic pellets by ships 
  • require certain types of fishing gear to be marked  
  • require operators to report fishing gear that has been lost or discharged into the sea.    

Australia looks forward to actively participating in these discussions so that practical measures can be developed to address vessel contributions to the global issue of marine plastic litter.  

Australia strongly supports the work of the IMO to address marine plastic litter from ships and is willing to assist in achieving positive outcomes wherever possible, including through chairing a working group, which is expected to be established during the meeting, to discuss and develop the details of these measures.   

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